Tuki Brando Net Worth, Age, Height, Career, Bio/Wiki, Family, Ethnicity

Tuki Brando

Tuki Brando is a name that has been making waves in the fashion industry. This French model, born in Taiwan, is a member of the famous Brando family and has established himself as a successful model for top brands like Versace. As he approaches his 33rd birthday in 2024, fans are curious to know more about his net worth, age, height, career, bio/wiki, family, and ethnicity. So, let’s dive into the world of Tuki Brando and discover all there is to know about this talented and handsome model.

Who is Tuki Brando?

Tuki Brando is a very calm person who works as a model. He was born in Taiwan, but he is from France. It means Tuki can call two places his home! Tuki is unique because he is part of the Brando family, which is a well-known family. Tuki is as tall as six feet, taller than most people.

Tuki works for a big fashion company, Versace, where he shows off clothes by wearing them so people can see how nice they look. He is known for looking good in pictures and walking in fashion shows.

Real Name/Full Name Tuki Brando
Profession Model
Famous Model
Age( in June 2024 ) 34 Years
Date Of Birth/ Birthdate June 26,1990
Birthplace Taiwan
Birth Sign Cancer
Nationality/From Taiwan
Gender Male

Tuki Brando

Early life and Education

Tuki Brando grew up with a lot of exciting stories in his family. His early years were filled with learning and playing like any other kid. Even though he was born in Taiwan, he lived in France, where he attended school. The school taught Tuki many things, like math, science, and art.

He liked to learn new stuff and meet friends. Tuki was also very interested in the world around him, always asking questions and wanting to know more. As he got older, he learned more about being a model and what being part of his famous family meant.

Tuki Brando Real name

Tuki Brando’s real name is not just Tuki Brando. His family gave him a longer name when he was born, just like you might have a first name and a middle name. But most people know him as Tuki Brando because it’s easier to say and remember. It’s standard for people, especially famous ones, to use a shorter name.

So, when you hear about Tuki Brando in magazines or on TV, they are talking about the same person, even if they don’t use his entire, long name. Like your friends might call you by a nickname, that’s easier or more fun.

Tuki Brando Nationality

Tuki Brando was born in Taiwan. This is a country far away from France. But, even though he was born there, he is from France. That means he is French. He was French, which means that France is his home country now.

If you were born in one city but moved to another, you would be from where you live now. So, when people ask where Tuki Brando is from, they say he is French. It is because he lives in France and feels like France is his home.

Tuki Brando Age, Weight and Height

Tuki Brando is a grown-up man who is 34 years old. On his birthday, June 26th, he will be one year older, just like you do on your birthday! Tuki is very tall, taller than most of the people you know. He stands at 6 feet 3 inch high. That’s as tall as stacking three little kids on each other!

Tuki weighs 85 kilograms as if you had about 85 bags of sugar altogether. Being tall and weighing this much is standard for grown-ups, especially someone like Tuki, who models for big fashion brands.

Height (approx.) In Centimeters – 190 cm
In Meters – 1.90 m
In Feet and Inches – 6’3
Weight (approx.) In Kilogram – 85 kg
In Pounds – 187 lbs
Body Measurements (approx.) Not Know
Eye Color Hazel
Hair Color Dark Brown

Tuki Brando


Tuki Brando’s mom was named Cheyenne Brando. She was beautiful and a model, just like Tuki is now. Cheyenne was the daughter of Marlon Brando, who was a very famous actor in movies. This means that Tuki’s grandpa was someone many people knew because of his acting. Tuki’s dad’s name is Dag Drollet.

Dag wasn’t famous like Tuki’s grandpa but was critical of Tuki’s mom. Sadly, Tuki’s mom and dad aren’t with us anymore, but Tuki remembers them and everything they taught him. His family’s story is exciting and has a lot of happy parts and some sad parts.

Tuki Brando Siblings

Tuki Brando has brothers and sisters, but only a little is known about them. Sometimes, in families, some people like to be in the spotlight, like Tuki with his modelling, and others prefer to stay out of it. You might have brothers or sisters who play with you, go to school with you, or share your toys, but Tuki has his siblings.

They might play together, share secrets, or even argue sometimes, just like all brothers and sisters do. Even though we don’t hear much about them, they are still a big part of Tuki’s life, giving him company and fun times away from cameras and fashion shows.

Tuki Brando Wife or Girlfriend

Tuki Brando is a grown-up, and like many adults, people are curious about whether he has a special someone, like a wife or a girlfriend. Tuki is a private person, so he doesn’t talk much about his personal life to the public. This includes who he might be dating. Like in fairy tales where princes don’t always tell who their princess is, Tuki keeps this part of his life like a secret story.

So, we are still determining if he has a wife or a girlfriend right now. It’s important to remember that it’s okay for people to keep some things to themselves, just like how you might have secrets or surprise gifts that you keep until the right time.


Tuki Brando is an adult, but we don’t know if he has any children. Having children means being a parent like your mom and dad are to you. When adults have kids, they care for them, play with them, and teach them many things. Sometimes, people like to tell others about their kids, and sometimes, they choose to keep it private, which means only for them to know.

Just like Tuki keeps some parts of his life to himself, he might do the same with information about having children. So, we need to find out if Tuki plays with kids of his own or enjoys being an uncle to any nieces or nephews.

Tuki Brando on Wikipedia

Tuki Brando is a person who has a page on a big website called Wikipedia. Wikipedia is like a massive book on the internet that tells stories about different people, places, and things. On his page, he talks about where he was born, his family, and how he became a model for big fashion shows.

It also shares stories about his mom and grandpa, who were famous, too. People can type his name online and learn all about him from this page. It’s like having a book about Tuki Brando that everyone can read!


Tuki Brando Ethnicity

Tuki Brando has roots from around the world, making his family story colourful. His ethnicity is a mix of French, from the country France, because that’s where he feels his home is, and also Polynesian, from his mom’s side. Polynesia is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It’s like having a pizza with lots of toppings, where every topping is a part of who he is.

This mix makes Tuki unique because he carries stories and traditions from France and Polynesia’s beautiful islands. It’s like having two worlds come together in one person.

Legacy and impacts

Tuki Brando is doing big things that make people remember his family excellently. Because his grandpa, Marlon Brando, was famous, Tuki shows he can also do great things in the fashion world. By modelling for big brands like Versace, he helps people see that being kind and working hard is essential.

Tuki’s work in fashion also shows everyone that it’s cool to follow your dreams, no matter who your family is. This makes people feel inspired and happy. Tuki is like a shining star in his family, making his path while honouring his origins.

Presence on Social media

Tuki Brando shares parts of his life online, but only some things. He uses websites where people can post pictures and write messages to friends and fans. Tuki shows some of his modelling photos, and sometimes, Brando shares things he enjoys, like places he visits or fun moments. But he doesn’t share everything because he likes to keep some things for himself.

It’s like when you have a secret treasure box and only show it to your best friends. So, while you can see some cool stuff about Tuki on the internet, remember, he likes to keep some parts of his life private, just like a secret garden.


Tuki Brando is a model, which means he gets to wear cool clothes and show them to people by walking in fashion shows or taking pictures. He works for a big company called Versace, where he helps them show off their new clothes. Tuki’s job is like playing dress-up, but for grown-ups, many people see what Brando wears in magazines or on the internet.

He became a model because he looked good in clothes and knew how to stand and walk, so everything looked its best. Being a model is Tuki’s way of sharing beautiful garments with the world and making them look even nicer because he’s wearing them.

Tuki Brando

Tuki Brando’s Net Worth

Tuki Brando makes money by being a model. This means he gets paid to wear clothes for pictures or to walk in fashion shows so people can see the clothes. He makes a lot of money because he works for a company like Versace. But it’s hard to know exactly how much money he has.

Think of it like when you save up your allowance to buy something special; Tuki saves the money he makes from modelling. Since we don’t know the exact number, we can guess he has enough to care for himself and do what he enjoys.

Future Plans

Tuki Brando has many dreams for his future, just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up. He wants to keep modelling for giant fashion companies because he loves showing off new styles of clothes. Tuki also might want to help others learn how to be great models, like a teacher who helps you learn in school.

Plus, he’s interested in travelling to new places to meet new friends and learn about different cultures. It’s like going on an adventure to find hidden treasures in new lands. Tuki’s future is full of exciting plans and dreams, just waiting to come true.


  • Tuki Brando loves taking pictures. He enjoys capturing moments like when you snap photos with a camera or phone. 
  • He likes to travel to new places. It’s fun for him to see different parts of the world, like going on a big adventure. 
  • Tuki enjoys spending time outdoors. He might go for walks, play sports, or sit and look at nature.
  • He also likes to read books. Reading takes him to new worlds without leaving his home.
  • Tuki is into fashion. He enjoys looking at different clothes and styles, even when not working. 
  • Cooking is another hobby. Tuki likes making tasty food and experimenting with flavours like a chef.


  • How old is Tuki Brando?

          He is 34 years old. 

  • Where was Tuki born?

          He was born in Taiwan. 

  • What does Tuki do?

          He is a model. 

  • Who was Tuki’s grandpa?

          His grandpa was Marlon Brando.

  • Is Tuki tall?

          Yes, he is 6 feet 3 inch tall. 

  • Does Tuki have brothers or sisters?

          Yes, but not much is known. 

  • Who does Tuki model for?

          He models for Versace. 

  • Where does Tuki live?

           He lives in France.

  • What kind of food does Tuki like to cook?

           It’s not mentioned, but he likes cooking. 

  • Does Tuki like to travel?

           Yes, he loves seeing new places.


Tuki Brando is a very cool model who does fantastic work with clothes. Many know he comes from a family, but he is making his unique path. Tuki is like a hero in fashion, showing beautiful clothes to the world and being part of big fashion shows. He has big dreams for the future and loves travelling, taking pictures, and cooking.

Tuki teaches us that following what we love and keeping our personal stories unique is essential. Like Tuki, everyone can do great things and make their own stories in life.

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