Sigourney Weaver Height, Career, Age, Bio/Wiki, Net Worth, Family, Ethnicity (2024)

Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver is a household name in the entertainment industry, known for her remarkable performances on the big screen. With a height of 1.82 m and a weight of 62 kg, she has a commanding presence that has captivated audiences for decades. At the age of 74, she continues to impress with her versatility and range as an actress, taking on challenging roles in various genres. In this blog post, we will delve into the career, age, bio, net worth, family, and ethnicity of the talented Sigourney Weaver.

Who is Sigourney Weaver?

Sigourney Weaver is a famous actress. She has been in many movies where she plays solid and essential characters. People know her best as Ripley from a film called “Alien.” This movie was exceptional because Ripley was a hero, which was not common for women in film at that time.

Sigourney Weaver has also been in other fun movies like “Ghostbusters,” where she meets funny ghost catchers, and “Galaxy Quest,” which is about space adventures. She loves acting in stories about space, heroes, and sometimes scary creatures. Sigourney is tall and has been in movies for many years, making many people happy with her acting.

Name Sigourney Weaver
Gender Female
Birth date

Age as of June 2024

October 8, 1949

74 years (2024)

Birth State  New York
Birth City  New York
Birth Country United States
Astrological Sign Libra

Early life and Education

Sigourney Weaver was born in New York City. When she was a little girl, she liked to pretend she was different characters, just like in the movies she would be in later. Sigourney went to a school called Ethel Walker School when she was a bit older. Then, she went to another school called Sarah Lawrence College.

But she loved acting so much that she decided to go to an exceptional school for acting called Yale School of Drama. That’s where she learned to be a great actress. Sigourney worked very hard and made lots of friends who also liked acting. She always knew she wanted to be in movies, and she worked hard to make her dreams come true.




Ethel Walker School

Yale Drama School

Sarah Lawrence College

University Stanford University

Sigourney Weaver’s Real name

Sigourney Weaver’s real name is actually Susan Alexandra Weaver. When she was a little younger, Sigourney decided she wanted a name that was special to her, something that felt like it was just hers. So, she picked “Sigourney” from a character in a book she liked.

Imagine getting to choose your name! That would be cool. So, even though most people know her as Sigourney, her family and friends first knew her as Susan. It’s like she got to become a new person when she picked her new name, and that’s the name we all know now when we see her in movies.

Sigourney Weaver Nationality

Sigourney Weaver comes from a place called the United States, which makes her American. Being American means she was born in a big country that has lots of states, including the one called New York City, where she was born. The United States is known for having people from all around the world, making it an extraordinary and diverse place.

Just like Sigourney, many people in America have their own unique stories about where their families come from. It makes America a place with many different kinds of foods, celebrations, and traditions. So, when we talk about Sigourney Weaver, she is an American actress who has made many people happy with her movies.

Sigourney Weaver’s Age, Weight, and Height

Sigourney Weaver is very tall, like a basketball player! She stands at 1.82 meters high. That’s almost as tall as your dad might be, or even taller! She weighs 62 kilograms, which is like adding the weight of two big dogs together.

Sigourney was born a long time ago, in 1949. It means she’s been around for quite a while, and she’s now 74 years old! Imagine all the birthday cakes she’s had! Even though she’s 74, in October 2024 she will be 75 years old. She’s still acting in movies and doing what she loves. It’s like she’s showing us that you can do fun things no matter how old you are.

Age 74
Height 5.97ft

1.82 m

Weight 62 Kg

Sigourney Weaver


Sigourney Weaver has a mom and a dad, just like you! Her dad’s name is Sylvester L. Weaver Jr., but people called him Pat. He helped make TV shows, which is cool because that’s like making mini-movies that people watch at home. Her mom is Elizabeth Inglis, and she was an actress too. She was in movies, so acting is something Sigourney grew up seeing.

If your family likes to cook, you might grow up wanting to cook, too. Sigourney’s parents were exceptional because they helped her love acting and movies. Isn’t it nice how families can share things they love?

Sigourney Weaver Siblings

Sigourney Weaver has a brother named Trajan Weaver. Trajan is the only sibling she has, which means she does not have any sisters, just one brother. Having a brother can be fun because you have someone to play games with and talk to. Sigourney and Trajan grew up together, which means they shared a lot of memories, just like you might with your brothers or sisters if you have any.

Brothers and sisters can sometimes argue, but they also look out for each other, sharing stories and helping out when needed, just like any family; Sigourney and her brother probably shared lots of adventures while growing up.

Sigourney Weaver’s Husband or Boyfriend

Sigourney Weaver is married to a man named Jim Simpson. Jim Simpson is not an actor like Sigourney, but he does something very creative, too. He directs plays, which is like being the boss of a show on stage, telling everyone where to go and what to do.

Sigourney and Jim got married a long time ago, in 1984, which is like if you count all the way back before you were born! They liked each other so much they decided to stay together. They have a family together, with a daughter. Just like in fairy tales, they found each other and have been a team ever since, sharing lots of happy moments.


Sigourney Weaver has one daughter. Her name is Charlotte Simpson. Sigourney loves being a mom and shares lots of fun times with her daughter. Just like any mom, Sigourney takes care of Charlotte, goes to her school events, and enjoys doing things together, like watching movies or playing games. Charlotte is very special to Sigourney, and they have a strong bond, like a super team.

Charlotte sometimes joins her mom at movie events, which is pretty exciting. Imagine getting to go to a movie premiere with your mom! That’s what Charlotte gets to do. Having a daughter like Charlotte makes Sigourney’s family life full of love and joy.

Sigourney Weaver on Wikipedia

If you want to learn more about Sigourney Weaver, you can look her up on Wikipedia. It’s a giant online encyclopedia where you can find information about almost everything! When you search for Sigourney Weaver there, you’ll see a page full of information about her. It talks about the movies she’s been in, where she was born, and even what her real name is.

Wikipedia is a place on the internet where you can read about her adventures in movies and her life. Remember, if you’re doing a school project or want to know more about her, Wikipedia has lots of facts to help you out.

Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver Ethnicity

Sigourney Weaver’s ethnicity is a mix of English, Scottish, and Dutch. It means her family comes from different parts of the world. The English part of her family is from England, which is a country with lots of castles and stories about knights. The Scottish part is from Scotland, where there are beautiful mountains, and people wear kilts, which are like skirts but for everyone.

The Dutch part comes from the Netherlands, known for its pretty tulip flowers and giant windmills. All these different places are part of what makes Sigourney Weaver unique, like a puzzle with pieces from other places coming together to make one unique picture.

Legacy and impacts

Sigourney Weaver has changed movies in a big way. She showed everyone that women can be the heroes in exciting adventure and space movies, just like men. Because of her, many girls and boys can dream of being strong and brave like her character Ripley in “Alien.” She also helps the Earth by talking about how we need to take care of it.

Sigourney makes a difference by being kind and showing that everyone, no matter if they are a boy or a girl, can do amazing things and be a hero in their own story. She’s like a superhero in real life, teaching us to be brave and care for our planet.

Presence on Social media

Sigourney Weaver likes to keep her life a bit private, which means she doesn’t share a lot on the internet where everyone can see, like on Instagram or Twitter. But sometimes, when she’s at movie events or doing something exciting for the Earth, you might see pictures or videos of her pop up on other people’s social media pages.

Even though she doesn’t post much herself, fans and friends love to share when they see her. This way, we can still peek into some of the cool things she’s doing, like helping animals or the planet, without her needing to tell us all the time.


Sigourney Weaver has been in many movies and TV shows where she pretends to be different from other people. She first became really famous for playing a character named Ripley in a film called “Alien.” It was a big deal because Ripley was a hero and showed that girls can be just as brave as boys.

After that, she acted in lots of other movies where she went on incredible adventures, like fighting ghosts in “Ghostbusters” and going on space missions in “Galaxy Quest.” Sigourney loves acting because she gets to tell stories and bring characters to life, making people excited and happy when they watch her movies.

Best Known For Actress Sigourney Weaver is best known for her roles in films since the 1980s, including ‘Ghostbusters,’ ‘Working Girl’ and the ‘Alien’ franchise.

Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver’s Net Worth

 Weaver has saved up a lot of money from acting in movies and being on TV. Think of a giant piggy bank, but instead of being filled with coins, it’s filled with lots of dollar bills. That’s kind of like what Sigourney Weaver has because of her hard work in movies.

People say she has about $50 million in her big piggy bank. That’s a really, really big number! It’s like if you saved every single dollar you got for your birthday for a super long time. She got this money because she was good at acting, and many people liked watching her movies.

Sigourney Weaver Future Plans

Sigourney is always looking for new adventures in movies. She’s like a treasure hunter, but instead of looking for gold, she’s searching for exciting stories to tell. Sometimes, she acts as a hero in space, and other times, she might be fighting to save the planet in a movie.

Right now, we don’t know exactly what her next big adventure will be, but we can be sure it will be something that makes us think, laugh, or feel brave. She might even surprise us by showing up in a new movie where she’s doing something we’ve never seen her do before! Keep watching for her next significant role.

Sigourney Weaver Hobbies

  • Sigourney Weaver loves being outside in nature. She enjoys walking in forests and looking at all the plants and animals. 
  • She likes reading books about big adventures and faraway places. It’s like going on a journey without leaving home! 
  • Sigourney has fun doing puzzles. They can be pictures that you have to put together or tricky problems she has to solve. 
  • She’s also interested in helping the Earth. It means she does things like recycle and teach others how to take care of our planet. 
  • Watching movies is another hobby of hers, especially ones about space and heroes, just like the ones she acts in! 
  • Sigourney enjoys swimming too. It’s like being a fish, moving smoothly through the water.


  • How old is Sigourney Weaver?

          She is 74 years old , she will be 75 years old in October 2024.

  • Is Sigourney Weaver her real name?

          Nope! She was born Susan Alexandra Weaver.

  • How tall is Sigourney Weaver?

          She’s really tall, like 1.82 meters!

  • Does Sigourney Weaver have any brothers or sisters?

          Yes, she has a brother named Trajan.

  • Who is Sigourney Weaver married to?

          She’s married to a man named Jim Simpson.

  • Does Sigourney Weaver have any kids?

          Yes, she has a daughter named Charlotte.

  • What movies has Sigourney Weaver been in?

           She’s been in “Alien,” “Ghostbusters,” and many more cool movies!


Sigourney Weaver is an extraordinary actress who has been in lots of exciting movies. She shows us that anyone can be a hero and do amazing things. Sigourney has done a lot in her life, like acting, taking care of the Earth, and being a mom. She’s like a superhero in real life, teaching us to be brave and strong.

We can learn a lot from her movies and the way she lives. Sigourney Weaver is not just an actress; she’s someone who inspires people to dream big and work hard. Remember, you can be a hero in your own story, just like Sigourney.

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