Who is Murray Hone? Biography, Career, Net Worth, Age, Height, Wife, Weight

Murray Hone

Murray Hone may not be a household name for many, but he is a professional American ice hockey player who has made a name for himself in the sports world. However, he gained even more attention when he married Canadian actress and model Evangeline Lilly in 2003. The couple’s marriage was short-lived, and they divorced a year later. Since then, Murray has kept a low profile, away from the media and spotlight. In this blog post, we will delve into the life of Murray Hone, including his biography, career, net worth, age, height, and marriage to Evangeline Lilly.

Who is Murray Hone?

Murray Hone is a man who used to play ice hockey, a game played on ice where people try to score goals with a puck. He is known for being very good at it. Murray became more famous when he married a lady named Evangeline Lilly, who is an actress. They were married briefly and then decided not to be married anymore.

After that, Murray chose to stay away from being in newspapers and on TV. He likes to keep his life private, so he doesn’t talk much about himself to others.


Full Name
Murray Hone
United States of America
Date of birth
34 years old as of 2024
Marital Status
Spouse Evangeline Lilly (ex)
Occupation Hockey player
Height 5’7

Murray Hone

Early life and Education

Murray Hone grew up like many kids, probably playing games and having fun. When he was little, he went to school just like you. At school, Murray learned about many things you do every day. We don’t know which school he went to or his favorite subject,

but we can guess he might have liked sports because he became a professional ice hockey player later. Just like you learn math, reading, and how to play sports at school, Murray did too. School is where he started learning everything he needed to know to become good at ice hockey.

Murray Hone Real name

Murray Hone is the name that most people know him by, but sometimes, people wonder if that is his real name from when he was born. Just like some of your friends might have nicknames or special names that only their family calls them, Murray Hone is his real name.

This means that when he was a baby, his parents decided to call him Murray Hone, the name he grew up with. So, when he plays ice hockey or his name is put in the news because of his marriage, everyone uses the name Murray Hone to talk about him.

Murray Hone Nationality

Murray Hone comes from a place called America, which means he is American. Being American means he was born in a place where lots of people speak English, just like we are doing right now. America is a very big country with lots of states and cities.

People from America are known as Americans. So, when we talk about where Murray Hone is from, we say he is an American because that’s where he grew up and learned to play ice hockey. Just like you might be from a place where your family lives, Murray’s family lives in America, too.

Murray Hone Age, Weight, and Height

Murray Hone is a grown-up man who has been around for a while, but we don’t know exactly how many birthdays he’s celebrated. When he stands up straight, he is about as tall as five rulers stacked end to end, which is pretty tall! That’s 5 feet and 9 inches high.

He weighs about 87 small bags of sugar, which is 191 pounds. Imagine if you had to carry all those bags of sugar at once! That’s how heavy he is. Just like you grow taller and heavier as you get older, Murray did too, and that’s how tall and heavy he is now.


Murray Hone’s mom and dad are people we don’t know much about. Just like your mom and dad take care of you, cook meals, and help you with homework, Murray’s parents did the same for him when he was little. They must have cheered for him at his ice hockey games and felt proud of what he could do.

Even though we don’t know their names or what they look like, they played a big part in helping Murray become the person he is today. They probably gave him lots of hugs, smiles, and support throughout his life, just like your parents do for you.

Murray Hone Siblings

Just like you might have brothers and sisters to play with, share toys, and sometimes argue but still love a lot, Murray Hone has siblings, too. Siblings are brothers and sisters who grow up with us. We are curious to know if Murray has brothers who are like superheroes to him or sisters who are his first best friends.

His siblings are part of his family, just like yours are to you. They might have played hockey together or cheered for each other at games. Having siblings is special because they are our first friends and know us better than anyone else. Just imagine playing and having fun with them; that’s what siblings are for.

Murray Hone Wife or Girlfriend

Murray Hone was married to a lady named Evangeline Lilly, who was famous for being in movies. They married in 2003 because they liked each other a lot. But sometimes, even when people like each other, they find out they are better as friends. That’s what happened with Murray and Evangeline.

They stopped being married in 2004, meaning they are no longer husband and wife. After that, Murray didn’t discuss having a girlfriend or getting married again. He likes to keep things about his heart private, so he doesn’t share much about who he might want or date. So, we are still determining if he has a wife or girlfriend now.

Murray Hone Ex wife


As far as we know, Murray Hone has not talked much about having children. Sometimes, adults decide to share stories and pictures of their kids, showing off their cute smiles or telling about the funny things they do. But Murray likes to keep his life private, so he doesn’t share many things with people outside his close friends and family.

So, we are curious if he has little ones who play hockey like he does or if he enjoys quiet evenings at home with family. Just like some secrets are kept in a treasure chest, Murray keeps information about his family life to himself and those he loves.

Murray Hone on Wikipedia

Murray Hone needs to have his very own page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big online book where you can learn about many things and people, but only some get their page. You can find stories about famous people, places, and events.

Since Murray likes to keep his life away from everyone else’s eyes, he doesn’t share much about himself. That might be one reason you can’t read about him on Wikipedia like you can for others. Only some drawings are made on the fridge, so only some have their story on Wikipedia.


Murray Hone Ethnicity

Murray Hone’s ethnicity means where his family came from a long time ago, like a big family tree stretching back many years. People’s ethnicity can tell us about the foods they might like, the languages they speak at home, or the special holidays they celebrate.

For Murray Hone, we are still determining exactly where his family tree started because he likes to keep his life private. It means he only shares a little about his family’s background or where they came from. Like a mystery in a storybook, some things about people can be a secret, and that’s okay.

Legacy and Impacts

Like a superhero in a movie, Murray Hone might not be someone everyone knows, but he still made his mark, especially in ice hockey. Think of when you play a game, still try hard, and have fun even if you don’t win. That’s what Murray did.

He played a sport he loved, and even though Hone wasn’t as famous as some other players, he still did his best. Also, marrying Evangeline Lilly showed that people from different worlds, like sports and movies, can unite. So, Murray’s story helps us remember to do what we love and be nice to everyone, no matter how different our worlds seem.

Presence on Social media

Murray Hone likes to keep his life quiet, like a secret garden. Because of this, he doesn’t share pictures or stories on places like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, where many people like to post about what they’re doing or how they’re feeling. It’s like when you have a special toy or a drawing you want to keep just for yourself and not show everyone.

Murray feels the same way about his life, so he chooses not to be on social media. It means you won’t find accounts with his name filled with photos or updates about him. He enjoys keeping his adventures to himself and those close to him.

Murray Hone


Murray Hone played ice hockey, a fun sport where players slide on ice and try to hit a puck into a net to score points. He played as part of a team and worked hard to be good at it. In ice hockey, players must skate fast and think quickly to win the game. Murray spent a lot of time practicing, playing in games, and working with his teammates to get better.

He loved playing ice hockey because it was exciting, and got to be with friends. Even though he isn’t playing professionally now, his time playing the sport was important and made him happy.

Murray Hone’s Net Worth

Murray Hone played ice hockey, where players slide on ice and try to get a small, hard puck into a net to score points. Playing this sport helped him earn money, but we’re still determining how much. Sometimes, when people play sports professionally, they can profit from winning games, getting trophies, or even having people cheer for them.

But since Murray Hone likes to keep his life quiet, like a secret box, he has yet to share how much money he has. So, we need to find out how much money he has saved from playing ice hockey or doing other things.

Future Plans

Thinking about what Murray Hone wants to do next is a bit like trying to guess the end of a story before it’s finished. Since he doesn’t tell the world much about what he’s doing now, we can only imagine. Maybe Hone will play more ice hockey just for fun this time, or perhaps Hone has new adventures waiting that Hone still needs to share.

He could also try something different that we wouldn’t expect, like learning to paint or traveling to places he’s never been. Whatever he decides to do, it’s like he’s keeping it a surprise for us to find out later.


  •  Murray Hone likes playing ice hockey. It’s a game where you skate on ice and try to score goals. –
  •  He might enjoy watching movies or reading books like you do when relaxing. –
  •  Since he’s quiet about his life, he likes walking in nature, where it’s peaceful and beautiful. –
  •  Maybe he enjoys cooking tasty food or trying new recipes for fun. –
  •  He could also like drawing or painting pictures of things he sees or imagines. –
  •  Playing video games or puzzles might be another hobby, especially on rainy days when he can’t go outside. –
  •  He might also enjoy spending time with friends and family, just hanging out and having a good time together.


  •  Who is Murray Hone? 

           He played ice hockey and was once married to a movie star.

  •  Did Murray Hone play hockey well? 

           Yes, he was good at playing ice hockey.

  •  Is Murray Hone married? 

           He was married to Evangeline Lilly, but they are no longer.

  •  Does Murray Hone have kids? 

           We don’t know if he has any children.

  •  How tall is Murray Hone? 

           He’s about as tall as five rulers on top of each other.

  • Can I find Murray Hone on social media? 

           No, he likes to keep his life private.

  •  What does Murray Hone like to do? 

           He loves playing ice hockey and maybe other fun activities.

  •  Where is Murray Hone from? 

           He’s from America.

  •  How old is Murray Hone? 

           We’re still determining how many birthdays he’s celebrated.

  •  Does Murray Hone have a Wikipedia page? 

           No, he doesn’t have one.


Murray Hone played a fun game on ice and married someone famous. Even though he doesn’t play ice hockey as a job now and likes to keep his life very secret, it’s interesting to think about all the things he might enjoy doing.

Remember, like Murray, it’s okay to have secrets and keep some parts of your life just for yourself and your family. Whether playing sports, enjoying nature, or spending time with friends, it’s his story. And just like in any good story, sometimes the most private adventures are also the most special.

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