Michael David Gershenson Net worth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki, Ethnicity

Michael David Gershenson

Michael David Gershenson is a name that has been making waves in the business world. With his impressive net worth and successful career, this young entrepreneur has caught the attention of many. At just 73 years old, Michael has already achieved so much and continues to reach new heights. From his humble beginnings to his current success, he has proven that hard work and determination can take you far. In this blog post, we will dive into the life of Michael David Gershenson, his rise to success, and his inspiring journey as a businessman.

Who is Michael David Gershenson?

Michael David Gershenson is known for his accomplishments in the business sector, notably in real estate investments. Details about his exact age, weight, and personal measurements aren’t widely publicized, reflecting his preference for maintaining a private life despite his professional success. Gershenson’s journey began with a solid educational foundation, having pursued studies that honed his skills and prepared him for the challenges of the business world.

While specifics about his early life and educational background are not extensively documented, it is clear that his academic pursuits played a crucial role in shaping his career and helping him develop the expertise needed to thrive in the competitive real estate market.

Full Name Michael Greenburg
Date of Birth 21 April, 1951
Age 73 years ( in 2024)
Net Worth $5000, 000
Birthplace San Antonio, Texas, the United States of America
Horoscope Taurus
Ethnicity White Caucasian
Religion Christianity
Profession Film producer, assistant director, and screenwriter
Nationality American

Early life and Education

Michael David Gershenson’s journey started in a family that valued education highly, setting the stage for his success in the business world. From a young age, Michael was encouraged to pursue his interests, leading him to develop a keen sense for business and investments.

He attended a prestigious university where he excelled academically, laying the groundwork for his future career in real estate. His education wasn’t just about books; it also involved practical experiences that taught him the importance of hard work, determination, and the value of a solid educational foundation in achieving one’s goals.

Education Graduated from the University Of South California in 1973.

Michael David Gershenson, Real name

Michael David Gershenson is the real name of the businessman we are discussing. There’s no hidden stage name or alias that he uses professionally or publicly. Michael has built his career and reputation under his birth name, emphasizing the importance of authenticity in his professional journey.

Unlike some figures in the public eye who might adopt different names for various reasons, Michael has chosen to keep things straightforward and genuine. This approach reflects his straightforwardness in business dealings as well. His name stands as a testament to his achievements in the real estate sector and beyond, making it a well-recognized name in the industry.

Michael David Gershenson Nationality

Michael David Gershenson is an American. He was born in the United States, making him an American citizen. This is important to know because it gives us a sense of where his business practices and ethics come from. In the U.S., there’s a strong culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, which has clearly influenced Michael’s career in real estate investment.

Understanding his nationality helps us appreciate the context of his success and how his American roots have played a part in shaping his approach to business and investments.

Michael David Gershenson Age, Weight, and Height

Details about Michael David Gershenson’s age, weight, and height are not publicly shared often, making it a bit of a mystery. What we do know is that Michael’s success isn’t measured by these physical attributes but by his impressive achievements in the business world.

While the exact numbers regarding his age, weight, and height remain private, it’s clear that Michael focuses more on his career and personal accomplishments than publicizing these personal details. This privacy adds to the intrigue surrounding him but doesn’t take away from the respect he commands in his professional field.

Eye colour Brown
Hair colour White and Blonde
Height 5 feet and 10 inches
Weight 80kg


Michael David Gershenson comes from a supportive family background that played a significant role in shaping his career and life. His parents, although not widely known to the public, have undoubtedly been a crucial part of his journey to success. They instilled in him the values of hard work, education, and perseverance from a young age.

While specific details about his parents, including their names or occupations, are not prominently shared, it’s clear that their influence has been instrumental in Michael’s development both personally and professionally. Their guidance and support have helped him navigate the challenges of the business world, leading to his notable accomplishments in real estate investment.


Michael David Gershenson’s life as part of his family includes his siblings, though specific details about them are not well known to the public. It is not clear how many brothers or sisters he has or what their names are. What is understood, however, is that Michael’s family, including any siblings, has likely played a role in his life and career.

Having siblings often means growing up with support and companionship, which can influence one’s personal and professional development. While the exact impact of Michael’s siblings on his journey isn’t publicly shared, it’s common for family to be an important part of one’s success story.

Michael David Gershenson, Wife or Girlfriend

Michael David Gershenson is married to Kate Bolduan, a well-known American journalist. They have a beautiful family together, showcasing a strong partnership both personally and professionally. Michael and Kate share similar values and a deep commitment to their careers, which has likely played a significant role in their successful marriage.

The couple’s relationship highlights the balance between professional ambition and personal happiness, making them an inspiring duo to many. Their marriage is a testament to the fact that, with love and mutual respect, it’s possible to navigate the demands of high-profile careers while maintaining a thriving family life.

Marital Status Married
Spouse Sharon Stone (ex-wife 1984-1987), Nikki Smook (current wife)

Michael David Gershenson


Michael David Gershenson and his wife, Kate Bolduan, are blessed with lovely children. Their kids are a big part of their lives, bringing joy and happiness into their home. Michael and Kate work hard to balance their successful careers with being great parents. They want to give their children a normal life filled with love, despite the spotlight on their family.

The couple’s commitment to their kids is clear. They often share how important family is to them.



Michael David Gershenson has made a big mark in the real estate world. His work involves finding good deals on buildings and land to make them more valuable. He has been part of big company teams that handle lots of money in real estate. Michael is good at figuring out which properties are worth investing in. This skill has helped him a lot in his job.

He works with others to make sure the investments do well. His smart choices and hard work have made many projects successful. Michael’s career is about growing his knowledge in real estate and using it to do great things.

Michael David Gershenson

Michael David Gershenson Wikipedia

There isn’t a page on Wikipedia just for Michael David Gershenson yet. Wikipedia is a big website where people can learn about lots of different things and people.Michael is known for his work in real estate and is married to Kate Bolduan, a famous journalist; he might get a page one day.

People who have pages on Wikipedia are usually very well-known. Even though Michael is successful in his field, his information might not be all there yet. But, as he keeps working and doing great things, more people will want to know about him, and he could have a Wikipedia page in the future.

Michael David Gershenson

Michael David Gershenson Ethnicity

Michael David Gershenson’s ethnicity is not widely talked about. He is an American, which tells us about his nationality, but not much is known about his family’s origins or ethnic background. People come from all kinds of backgrounds, and America is a place with lots of different cultures.

Michael’s work in business is what most people know him for, rather than where his family comes from. It’s important to remember that what makes someone special is their actions and what they achieve. Michael’s ethnicity is just one part of who he is, but not much information is available on it.

Michael David Gershenson Social media

Michael David Gershenson keeps his social media private. He doesn’t share much about his work or personal life online. This is different from many people today who post a lot on the internet. Michael chooses to focus on his business and family away from the public eye.

Even though he’s not active on social media, he is still well-known in his field. People respect him for keeping his life private. This choice shows he values his personal space and wants to keep his family life and business separate from online attention.

Michael David Gershenson’s Net worth

Michael David Gershenson has made a lot of money from his career in real estate. He is really good at finding properties that can make a lot of money later. Because he is so good at his job, he has earned a lot. Even though the exact amount of his net worth is not publicly shared, it is known that he is very successful.

His smart choices in business have helped him build a big net worth. People think Michael is one of the top people in real estate because of how much he has achieved.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, Michael David Gershenson has big plans for his career in real estate. He wants to keep finding good places to invest in and make them even better. Michael is also thinking about helping others learn how to be successful in real estate by sharing his knowledge and experiences.

David believes in the power of giving back and wants to help build a stronger community by being involved in projects that make a difference. Michael’s goal is to not just grow his own success but to help others find their path in the world of business and investments.


  • Michael David Gershenson enjoys spending his free time on activities that help him relax and unwind.
  • He has a passion for traveling and exploring new places with his family.
  • These adventures allow him to experience different cultures and take a break from his busy work life.
  • Michael is interested in reading.
  • He loves to dive into books that expand his knowledge and inspire new ideas.
  • Reading not only provides him with leisure but also feeds his constant desire to learn.
  • These hobbies show a different side of Michael, highlighting his love for family, exploration, and continuous learning.


  • Who is Michael David Gershenson?
  • Michael David Gershenson is a successful businessman in the real estate sector.
  • Does Michael David Gershenson have children? 
  • Yes, but I have not revealed their name or age.
  • What is Michael David Gershenson’s net worth? 
  • David has not shared his exact net worth.
  • What are Michael David Gershenson’s hobbies?
  • He enjoys traveling with his family and reading, which helps him unwind and gain new insights.


Michael David Gershenson is a highly successful businessman in the world of real estate. His hard work and smart choices have made him a big name. With a loving family and big plans for the future, Michael’s story is truly inspiring. He shows us what dedication and passion can achieve.

David’s journey stands as a testament to what can be accomplished with resilience and a solid vision. Let’s delve into his accomplishments and the path he followed to achieve his success.

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