Margot Rooker Age, Bio/Wiki, Net Worth, Career, Family, Height, Ethnicity

Margot Rooker

Margot Rooker is a name that may not ring a bell to many, but she is a well-known figure to those in the entertainment industry. This American actress and wife of actor Michael Rooker has managed to maintain a low profile despite her husband’s fame. However, her talent and presence in Hollywood cannot be denied. This blog post will delve into Margot Rooker’s age, bio/wiki, net worth, career, family, height, and ethnicity to uncover more about this elusive yet intriguing personality.

Who is Margot Rooker?

Margot Rooker is a lady married to a famous actor named Michael Rooker. She is from America, and she also acts in movies. Margot likes to keep her life private, so she doesn’t talk much about herself or share many things with others. She and Michael Rooker have been together for a long time, and they like to spend their time away from too many cameras or people watching them.

Even though Margot is not as famous as her husband, she is very talented and has done some great work in Hollywood. People who know about movies and actors think she is pretty cool.

Full name Margot Tsuru Larose Rooker
Birthdate November 1955
Age 69  years old (2024)
Birth Place United States
Residence California, United States
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Zodiac Scorpio
Gender Female
Sexuality Straight

Early Life and Education

Margot Rooker grew up in the United States. She liked acting in plays when she was a little girl. This made her love acting a lot. Margot went to school like all kids and also went to classes to learn more about acting because she loved it so much. She worked hard in school and acting classes to become a good actress.

Margot learned many things in school, not just about acting but also about being a good friend and working with others. Her love for acting and learning helped her become who she is today.

High school Local high school
College major Unknown
College graduation year Unknown

Margot Rooker’s real name

Margot Rooker’s real name is a mystery because she likes to keep her life private. This means she doesn’t share many personal details with others, not even what her real name might have been when she was born.

Just like some people have nicknames or fun names they like to be called, Margot might have a unique name, too, but she chooses to be known as Margot Rooker. It’s important to remember that what we call ourselves can be unique to us, just like “Margot Rooker” is special to her.

Margot Rooker Nationality

Margot Rooker is from the United States of America. This means she is American. The United States is a big country with many states. People born there or living there for a long time can be called Americans. Margot Rooker lives in America with her husband, Michael Rooker, who is also an actor Being American means that Margot is part of a country with people worldwide.

In America, people speak English, but they also speak many other languages. Rooker being American is just one part of who she is, but it tells us where she calls home.

Margot Rooker Age, Weight, and Height

Margot Rooker is a grown-up lady, but we don’t know precisely how many birthdays she has celebrated. Just like you, she grows taller and changes as she gets older. Margot is about as tall as a big refrigerator, standing 5 feet, 2 inches high. That’s like measuring five rulers from the top to the bottom, all stacked up!

She weighs as much as 52 bags of sugar, one kilogram each, which is standard for grown-ups. Everyone’s body is different, and that’s okay. Margot’s height and weight are just right for her, helping her do everything she loves, like acting and spending time with her family.

Height 5 feet 2 inches or 157 cm
Weight Around 52 kg, or 114 lbs
Hair Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue


Margot Rooker has a mom and a dad, just like you and me. We don’t know their names because Margot likes to keep her life private. That means she doesn’t share much about her family with others. Imagine having a secret treasure chest; Margot’s family details are like her treasure. She keeps them safe and doesn’t show them to everyone.

Her mom and dad must be very special to her, just like yours are to you. They helped her grow up, learn, and become who she is now. Even though we don’t know their names, they are essential because they are Margot’s parents.

Margot Rooker Siblings

Margot Rooker might have brothers or sisters, but we don’t know because she keeps her life private. Like in a game of hide and seek, Margot hides details about her family, so we don’t get to see them. Having siblings is like having teammates who grow up with you, play with you, and sometimes argue over toys with you.

They can be older, like a big brother or sister who looks out for you, or younger, like a little buddy who follows you around. But whether Margot has siblings or not is a secret she hasn’t shared, just like a hidden treasure map without the “X” that marks the spot.

Margot Rooker Husband or Boyfriend

Margot Rooker’s husband is Michael Rooker. Michael is an actor who plays in movies and TV shows. He has been in some stories where he pretends to be different people, like a superhero or a space traveler. Margot and Michael have been married for a very long time. They decided to share their lives because they immensely loved each other.

Margot does not have a boyfriend because she is married to Michael. They like to spend time together, away from lots of cameras. Being married means they are partners and best friends. They help each other, have fun together, and share many adventures.

Marital status Married
Married date June 22, 1979
Husband Michael Rooker

Margot Rooker


Margot Rooker and Michael Rooker have kids, just like many families do. Kids are the little people who live in your house and are part of your family. They like to play and learn new things, and sometimes they need help tying their shoes or remembering to brush their teeth.

We don’t know much about Margot and Michael’s kids, like how many they have or their names, because Margot likes to keep her family life a secret. It is something special just for them. Imagine having a unique family adventure that only you know about—that’s what Margot and Michael have with their kids.

Children Two daughters (Alynne and Gillian)

Margot Rooker

Margot Rooker on Wikipedia

Margot Rooker needs to have her page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big website where you can find information about animals, places, and even some people. But only some have their page there. Since Margot Rooker likes to keep her life private and not share too much, you won’t find a page just for her on Wikipedia.

But you can find information about her husband, Michael Rooker, because he is an actor in many movies. Sometimes, when people are famous, they get their page on Wikipedia, but Margot has yet to have one.

Margot Rooker

Margot Rooker Ethnicity

Margot Rooker’s ethnicity is something people are curious about, but it’s something she talks a little about. Ethnicity means where your family comes from long ago—like if your ancestors were from different parts of the world, it makes you unique. It’s like a recipe that makes you, you! We can learn about other foods, music, and stories from our ethnicity.

Even though we don’t know Margot’s ethnicity, we understand that every person’s background is like a unique storybook about their family’s journey. Your family might have stories from different places, and so does Margot’s.

Ethnicity Caucasian

Legacy and impacts

Margot Rooker is like a quiet hero in her own unique story. She shows us that being kind and loving your family is very important. Even though she doesn’t talk much about herself, her way of living teaches us to care for the people we love. By staying away from many cameras and enjoying her life quietly,

Margot sets an example that being famous isn’t the only way to be happy. She reminds us that sharing love and smiles with our families makes a beautiful difference. Margot’s story helps us understand that being happy with our loved ones is a lovely legacy to leave behind.

Presence on Social media

Margot Rooker is a challenge to find on social media. Social media are websites where people can share pictures, write about their actions, and talk to friends. Margot likes to keep her life quiet and private. This means she only shares a few photographs or stories about herself on websites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Even though she is married to Michael Rooker, who is famous and sometimes shares things online, Margot chooses to stay away from the spotlight. So, if you’re looking for her on social media, she’s like a hidden treasure that’s hard to find.


Margot Rooker is an actress. It means she pretends to be different people in movies or shows. Just like when you play make-believe and pretend to be a superhero or a princess, Margot does that too, but for her job. She acts out stories so people watching can see and feel the story come to life.

Even though we don’t see her in as many movies as her husband, Michael Rooker, she loves acting very much. Being an actress is fun because you get to dress up and be someone else for a little while. Rooker works hard at acting and enjoys it a lot.

Famous As a celebrity spouse
Net Worth Unknown

Margot Rooker’s Net Worth

Margot Rooker’s net worth is a mystery because she keeps her life private. Net worth means how much money someone has from doing their job or having things like houses or cars. Even though we don’t know the exact number of dollars Margot has, acting in movies can help someone earn money.

Since she is an actress, she might have saved some money from her roles. Also, being married to Michael Rooker, who acts in many movies, might mean they have money together for their family. It’s like when you save up your allowance for something special, but we don’t know how big Margot’s “allowance” is.

Future Plans

Margot Rooker’s plans are like a surprise that has yet to be opened. She might act in more movies because acting is something she loves a lot. Or she may try something new that she has always wanted to do. Just like when you think about what you want to be when you grow up, Margot also thinks about what she wants to do next.

She might also spend more time having fun with her family, going on adventures, or helping out in her community. Whatever Margot decides to do, she will do it with a lot of love and joy because that’s how she likes to live her life.


  • Margot loves to watch movies. She likes all kinds of things, from funny ones that make you laugh to exciting superhero movies.
  • She enjoys reading books. Whether it’s a fairy tale or about adventures in faraway lands, Margot loves to read.
  • Margot likes to paint. She uses many colours to make beautiful pictures that tell stories without words.
  • She goes on walks. Margot loves to walk outside and look at trees, flowers, and animals. It’s like going on a small adventure every time.
  • Cooking is fun for Margot. She likes to mix different things to make yummy food for her family. It’s like being a food magician.
  • Margot plays games. She enjoys board games where you have to think and solve puzzles. It’s like a treasure hunt on a board.


Who is Margot Rooker?
Margot Rooker is a lady who acts in movies and is married to Michael Rooker.
How tall is Margot?
Margot is as tall as five stacked-up rulers—about 5 feet, 2 inches!
Does Margot have kids?
Yes, Margot and Michael have children, but we don’t know their names.
Where does Margot live?
Margot lives in the United States with her family.
Does Margot like acting?
Yes, Margot loves acting! It’s like playing make-believe for her job.
Can I find Margot on social media?
No, Margot likes to keep her life private, so she’s hard to find on social media.
What does Margot like to do for fun?
Margot enjoys watching movies, reading books, painting, walking, cooking, and playing board games.



In this story about Margot Rooker, we learned a lot. Margot loves acting, enjoys being with her family, and likes to keep her life quiet. She’s like a treasure chest full of surprises, showing us that being kind and loving what you do is very special. Margot teaches us that it’s okay to be private and still share love with those close to us.

Remember, everyone has their own story, just like Margot, filled with adventures, love, and dreams. What’s important is how we share our hearts and smiles with the world, just like hers.

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