James Hesketh Age, Net Worth, Bio, Career, Height, Weight, Ethnicity, Family

James Hesketh

James Hesketh is often associated with the entertainment industry, particularly as the ex-husband of the talented actress Spencer Grammer. While his former wife is well-known for her roles in popular shows like “Rick and Morty” and “Greek,” James has had a career in the limelight and made a name for himself. With 5 feet 10 inches and a weight of 70 kg, James is a striking figure who has caught the attention of many.

Who is James Hesketh?

James Hesketh is a man who was once married to Spencer Grammer. Spencer Grammer is a famous actress who voices a character in a cartoon called “Rick and Morty” and acted in a show named “Greek.” James and Spencer were a couple, but they are not together anymore. People know James because of his connection to Spencer.

James is quite tall, as tall as a basketball hoop’s bottom, and as heavy as about 70 bags of sugar. This year, he will be celebrating his 44th birthday. People call him James, and he was born in the year 1980.

Full Name

Born in


James Hesketh


44 years old (in 2024)

Ethnicity White
Religion Christian
Profession Fire Fighter
Nationality American
Marital Status Divorced

Early life and Education

James Hesketh was a little boy once, just like everyone else. He was born in 1980. James went to school like most kids do when he was a kid. We don’t know which school he attended or what his favorite subject was, but we can guess he learned a lot of things that helped him when he grew up.

Maybe he liked drawing, reading, or playing sports. Education is essential because it allows us to learn and innovate. Just like you, James was once learning and growing every day.

James Hesketh’s Real name

Sometimes, people have a name everyone calls them, like a nickname. But they also have a real, full name on their birth certificate, a special paper that says they were born. For James Hesketh, everyone calls him “James,” which is easy to remember. But we don’t know if “James” is his very first name or if he has a longer name.

Think of it like when someone calls you a shorter name that’s easier to say. That’s what people do with James. They call him James because it’s simple and quick to say.

James Hesketh Nationality

James Hesketh comes from a place called a country, just like you might come from the United States, Canada, or any other place in the world. The country where someone is born is their nationality. It tells us a little about where they’ve grown up and what traditions they might celebrate.

Just like some of your friends might come from different places, speak other languages, or celebrate other holidays, James Hesketh also comes from a country. But we have yet to talk about which country James is from— knowing someone’s nationality testing because it helps us learn more about them and the world.

James Hesketh Age, Weight, and Height

James Hesketh is a big grown-up, almost as tall as a fridge!  stands 5 feet 10 inches tall, which is tall if you think about how high you can jump. Imagine, he’s as tall as ten stacks of big, thick books! And he weighs as much as 70 bags of sugar, but in people’s weight, that’s 154 pounds. It’s like carrying a big, heavy backpack full of books.

His year, when the leaves fall and it gets cold again, James will blow out 44 candles on his birthday cake. That’s a lot of birthdays and a lot of candles!

Height 5 feet 10 inches
Weight 70 kg
Age 44 years in 2024


James Hesketh has a mom and a dad, just like you and me. Oms and dads are vital because they care for us when we’re little. Hey, give us hugs, make us dinner, and teach us right from wrong. We need to find out if the names of James Hesketh’s mom and dad are correct or what they like to do.

Maybe his mom likes to bake cookies, and perhaps his dad enjoys playing baseball. I imagine James was once a little kid, too, and his parents probably read him bedtime stories and helped him tie his shoes. Every mom and dad has their own unique story for their kids.

James Hesketh Siblings

James Hesketh might have brothers or sisters like some of your friends. Sometimes, having a sibling is like having a built-in best friend who lives with you. Hey, I can play games with you, share snacks, and sometimes even argue over who gets the last piece of pizza. However, we need to find out if James has siblings because only some talk about their brothers or sisters. 

James has siblings; they might like to do fun things together, like going to the park or watching movies. Magnine has a brother or sister; what games would you play with them?

James Hesketh’s Wife or Girlfriend

James Hesketh was once married to a lady named Spencer Grammer. Spencer Grammer is not just any lady; she is an actress who has lent her voice to characters in cartoons and acted in TV shows. Ames and Spencer decided to get married, which meant they had a big celebration and promised to be together.

As it sometimes happens, they choose to go their separate ways later. Ow, they are no longer husband and wife. Ince they split up, James might have a girlfriend, but we don’t know for sure; for example, in stories where friends sometimes part ways, James and Spencer have their own stories.

James Hesketh


When they were married, James Hesketh and Spencer Grammer had a special gift: a baby. Abies are like tiny seeds that grow into flowers; they need much love and care. Ames and Spencer’s baby is very special to them, just like you are to your family.

Having a baby means you teach them how to talk, help them learn to walk, and see them smile for the first time. It’s a big job, but it’s also enjoyable. Even though James and Spencer are not together anymore, they love their baby very much and want the best for them.

James Hesketh

James Hesketh on Wikipedia

As of now, James Hesketh needs to have his page on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is like a big online book where you can find information about many people, places, and things. It’s where anyone can learn about almost anything, but only some have their page. o have a page on Wikipedia, there must be a lot of information about a person many people know and talk about.

James is mostly known because he married Spencer Grammer but still needs to get his page. If more people learn about him one day, he might get one!

James Hesketh Ethnicity

James Hesketh has an ethnicity, which is like saying where his family comes from a long, long time ago. Think of it like this: if you have a pizza, there are many ingredients from different places  cheese might come from one country, and tomatoes from another.

Just like that, James’s family background could be a mix of other areas worldwide, making him unique. But we need to find out exactly where his family is from or what mix of places he is connected to. Everyone has an ethnicity, and it’s part of what makes each of us unique.

Legacy and impacts

James Hesketh may not be as famous as a superhero in a movie, but he has his story. Ven, though he is mainly known because he was married to Spencer Grammer, is not the only thing that makes him uni e. Everyone leaves footprints behind, like when you walk in the sand and look back to see where you’ve been.

James has footprints because of his actions and the people he has met. It’s important to remember that we all can make a difference in big or small ways, just like dropping a pebble in a pond creates ripples. James has his ripples, even if we don’t see them on TV.

Presence on Social media

James Hesketh likes to keep things quiet online. t means he only shares lectures or stories on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, where people can see his daily work. Some people love to show the world what they’re eating, who they’re hanging out with, or where they’re going on vacation.

 James enjoys being more privy. If you’re looking to discover what James is up to by looking him up on the internet, you might not find him. He likes keeping his life a mystery!

James Hesketh


James Hesketh’s job is a bit of a mystery because people mainly know him because he was once married to Spencer Gramer. Even though we don’t know precisely what he does every day, whether he works with computers, makes art or teaches kids at school, it’s essential to understand that everyone has something they’re good at.

Ames might have a particular job he loves, like how a firefighter fights fires or a baker makes yummy cakes. Even if we can’t say what James goes to do every morning, we can imagine that he does something meaningful that makes him happy.

James Hesketh’s Net Worth

Talking about how much money someone has can be tricky because people don’t always tell others how much they have in their piggy banks. Or James Hesketh, it’s the s e. We are still determining exactly how much money he has saved.

Some grown-ups work jobs where they can make a lot of money; others have just enough to buy the things they need. Since we don’t know what job James does or how much he gets paid for it, we can’t say how much he does. Remember, having a lot of money doesn’t make someone essential or happy.

Future Plans

James Hesketh’s plans are a bit like a mystery book that has yet to be finished. We are still determining the ending and what adventures he might go on. Maybe he dreams of travelling to faraway places, learning to paint beautiful pictures, or writing a book. When you think about what you want to be when you grow up, James might dream about his next big thing.

Although we can’t peek into the future to see what James will do, we can guess he’s planning something exciting. Everyone has dreams and plans, and James is no different. He’s probably thinking about how to make his dreams come true, just like you!


  • James Hesketh likes doing fun things like you! 
  • He might enjoy reading big books with pictures and stories. 
  • Drawing could be something he does, such as making cool pictures with crayons or pencils. 
  • Maybe he likes to play sports, like kicking a soccer ball or throwing a basketball into a hoop. 
  • James enjoys watching movies, especially the ones with superheroes or funny cartoons. 
  • Cooking might be fun for him and mixing ingredients to make tasty cookies or a yummy pizza. 
  • He might love to listen to music, dancing around the living room to his favourite songs.
  • Exploring outdoors could be exciting, like going on treasure hunts in the park.


  • Did James Hesketh and Spencer Grammer have any kids?

          They had a baby together, an extraordinary little person.

  • How tall is James Hesketh?

          He’s as tall as ten big, thick books stacked about 5 feet 10 inches!

  • What does James Hesketh do for fun?

          He might like drawing, playing sports, or baking tasty treats.

  • Is James Hesketh on TV like Spencer Grammer?

          No, James is not on V. E., which is known because he was married to Spencer.

  • How old is James Hesketh?

          He will blow out 44 candles on his birthday cake this year!

  • Does James Hesketh have any brothers or sisters?

          We’re curious if he has siblings, as he likes to keep that part of his life private.


James Hesketh might not be as famous as others on TV, but he has a unique style. Ike is a puzzle piece; he fits into the big picture of the world in his y. Whether Hesketh is doing things he loves or thinking about his dreams for the future, James has a lot to look forward to. Like you and me, he has things he enjoys and people he cares about.

Remember, everyone has their own story, even if we don’t see it on TV or in the movies. James’s story is just one of many, and it’s just as important.

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