Elisabeth Moss Age, Height, Career, Net Worth, Bio/Wiki, Family, Ethnicity (2024)

Elisabeth Moss

Elisabeth Moss has made a name for herself as one of the most talented and versatile actresses in Hollywood. With a career spanning over two decades, she has captivated audiences with her performances on both the big and small screens. But there’s more to this multi-talented star than just her on-screen roles. From her age and height to her family and ethnicity, there’s a lot to discover about Elisabeth Moss. So, let’s take a closer look at the life and career of this talented actress.

Who is Elisabeth Moss?

Elisabeth Moss is a famous American actress. She’s like a star on TV and in movies. You might know her from shows where she pretends to be different people, like in “The West Wing,” “Mad Men,” and “The Handmaid’s Tale.” She started acting when she was very young and has been in lots of shows and movies since then.

People really like how she acts, and she has won awards for her work. Elisabeth was born in a big city called Los Angeles, California. She’s not very tall, but she shines brightly in her movies and shows. Elisabeth loves acting and tells stories through her characters.

Full Name/Birth Name Elisabeth Singleton Moss
By Name Elisabeth Moss
Gender Female
Profession Actress, Producer
Nationality American
Birthplace Los Angeles, California, USA
Date of Birth 24-Jul-82
Age as in 2024 43 years old
Height 1.6 m
Height(s) Feet 5 feet and 2 inches
Height(s) cm 160 cm
Weight 52 kg
Weight(s) in pound 114 pounds
Marital Condition Divorced
Spouse Fred Armisen ( 2009–2011)
Children No
Income $1 million
Net Worth $30 million

Early life and Education

Elisabeth Moss was born in a big, sunny city called Los Angeles. As a little girl, Elisabeth liked to pretend she was different people, which is called acting. Elisabeth went to school like other kids, but she also learned a lot about acting when she was not in school. Elisabeth was really good at acting, even when she was young.

She worked hard at learning how to be the best actress she could be. It meant Elisabeth had to read a lot, practice speaking in different ways, and understand how to show feelings without saying words. All of this learning helped her become the amazing actress she is today.

Elisabeth Moss’s Real name

Elisabeth Moss’s real name is actually Elisabeth Singleton Moss. That’s right! The name she uses in movies and on TV is her real name. Elisabeth didn’t change her name when she became famous; she kept the name her parents gave her when she was born.

Just like you might be named after someone special in your family, Elisabeth’s middle name, Singleton, might be special, too. It’s cool to think that when you watch her on TV, she’s using the same name that her friends and family call her by.

Elisabeth Moss Nationality

Elisabeth Moss is an American. It means that she comes from a place called the United States of America. It’s a big country with lots of different people and places. Being American is part of who she is. America is known for lots of things, like movies and music, and its flag has stars and stripes on it.

Just like Elisabeth, many people in America have their own stories and backgrounds. America is where Elisabeth grew up, went to school, and started acting in movies and TV shows. So, when we talk about where she’s from, we say she’s American because that’s where her home is.

Elisabeth Moss Age, Weight, and Height

Elisabeth Moss was born on a warm summer day, July 24, 1982. It means she is 43 years old now. Imagine being 43! That’s like having 38 birthday cakes. Elisabeth is also not very tall; she stands at about 5 feet 2 inches. Think of it like stacking five rulers on top of each other and adding a little bit more.

That’s how tall she is! And she weighs 114 pounds. Imagine 114 one-pound sugar bags altogether. That’s how much Elisabeth weighs. It’s kind of neat to think about all these numbers that tell us a little bit about her.

Age as in 2024 43 years old
Height 1.6 m
Height(s) Feet 5 feet and 2 inches
Height(s) cm 160 cm
Weight 52 kg
Weight(s) in pound 114 pounds


Elisabeth Moss was born to Ron and Linda Moss. Her mom and dad were both artists in their own way. Her dad, Ron, played the harmonica and was involved in the music world, making sounds and songs. Elizabeth’s mom, Linda, was a musician too and also played the blues. They loved art and music a lot. This love for creativity and art was like a gift they gave to Elisabeth.

Imagine your parents teaching you how to draw or sing; that’s how Elisabeth learned to love acting and telling stories. Her parents supported her dream to become an actress, cheering her on as she started acting in her first roles. They were always there, like a team, helping her shine.

Elisabeth Moss Siblings

Elisabeth Moss has one younger brother, Derek Moss. He’s like her best friend from the same family. Just like some kids have brothers or sisters to play with, share secrets with, or sometimes argue but still love a lot, Elisabeth has Derek. They grew up together, sharing fun times and probably playing games or making fun stories.

Derek is not as famous as Elisabeth because he doesn’t act in movies or TV shows. Instead, he likes to do different things that are special to him. Even though we don’t see Derek on TV, he’s an important part of Elisabeth’s life, just like how your siblings or close friends are very special to you.

Elisabeth Moss Husband or Boyfriend

Elisabeth Moss keeps her love life very private, which means she doesn’t talk much about who she is dating or if she has a husband. Like how some people have secrets or surprise gifts they don’t share right away, Elisabeth chooses not to share this part of her life with everyone.

It’s like when you have a special friend, and you want to play and have fun without everyone knowing. So, we need to find out if Elisabeth has a boyfriend or husband right now because she likes to keep that part of her life just for herself, away from the cameras and the lights.

Elisabeth Moss


As of now, Elisabeth Moss doesn’t have any children. This part of her life is like a book that has yet to be written. Just like when you think about what adventures you might go on when you grow up, Elisabeth might think about having kids in the future.

But for today, no little ones are running around her home. She focuses on her acting and spending time doing things she loves. Remember, every person’s story is different, and Elisabeth is living hers in her special way, filled with acting and making movies.

Elisabeth Moss on Wikipedia

If you’re curious about Elisabeth Moss and want to learn more about her, Wikipedia is like a big online book with lots of facts. On her Wikipedia page, you can find information about the movies and TV shows she’s been in, awards she’s won, and other interesting things about her life. It’s like a treasure map that shows you all the cool stuff about Elisabeth Moss.

You can see pictures of her and read about the different characters she’s played. It’s a great place to explore if you want to know more about this amazing actress without having to search all over the internet.

Elisabeth Moss Ethnicity

Elisabeth Moss comes from a mix of different backgrounds, making her ethnicity quite special. Just like how a rainbow has many colors, Elisabeth’s family history includes people from other places. She has English and Swedish roots from her family tree, which is like saying some of her ancestors came from England and some from Sweden.

It’s interesting to think about how our families can come from many parts of the world. This blend of backgrounds makes Elisabeth unique, just like how each of us is special because of where our families come from. It’s like having stories from different countries all in your family history book!

Legacy and impacts

Elisabeth Moss has done some really amazing things in her acting. She plays strong women on TV, showing girls everywhere that they can be brave and smart, just like her characters. Elisabeth has won awards, which is like getting gold stars for doing great work.

She helps people think about important things, like being fair to everyone, no matter if they’re a boy or a girl. Her acting tells stories that might make you feel happy, sad, or even think about how to be a better friend. Elisabeth Moss shows us that acting is not just pretending; it’s a way to share big ideas with the world.

Elisabeth Moss

Presence on Social media

Elisabeth Moss likes to share bits of her life on social media, just like how you might show your friends a drawing or a cool photo. She uses sites like Instagram to post pictures of herself, her work, and sometimes fun things she sees. It’s like a digital photo album where Elisabeth invites people to take a peek into her world.

Even though she’s a big star, she enjoys connecting with people online. But remember, just like in school, she chooses carefully what to share, keeping most of her personal life private, like a secret garden that only a few can see.

Elisabeth Moss


Elisabeth Moss loves to act, and she has been on many TV shows and movies. When she was little, just like you, she started acting, and now she’s in big shows. In “The West Wing,” she plays a daughter, and in “Mad Men,” she plays Peggy, who works at a big office.

She also went on adventures in “Top of the Lake” and fought for what’s right in “The Handmaid’s Tale.” She pretends to be these characters so well that people give her awards. Acting is her way of telling stories and making us feel like we’re part of them. Every time she acts, she brings the characters to life, making us believe in their stories.

Elisabeth Moss

Elisabeth Moss’s Net Worth

Elisabeth Moss has saved up a lot of money from acting in movies and TV shows. Imagine having a big piggy bank, and every time Elisabeth acts in something, she gets to put more coins and dollars into it. That’s like her net worth. People think she has about 30 million dollars.

That’s like if you had 30 million one-dollar bills! You could buy so many toys and ice creams with that much money. Elisabeth worked very hard for many years to save up this much, showing us that being dedicated to something you love can really pay off in big ways.

Future Plans

Elisabeth Moss is always dreaming up new adventures for her acting journey. Even though we don’t know all her secrets about what’s coming next, she’ll keep making movies and shows that tell amazing stories. Just like when you imagine becoming an astronaut or a teacher, Elisabeth thinks about the different characters Moss wants to be.

She might even try directing, which is like being the boss of a movie, telling everyone where to go and what to do. Whatever she decides, we know it’ll be exciting and full of surprises because Elisabeth loves to make believe and bring stories to life in ways we can’t even guess yet!


  • Elisabeth Moss loves taking pictures. She carries a camera and clicks snaps of things she finds pretty or interesting, like flowers or buildings. 
  • She enjoys reading books. Imagine sitting in a cozy spot and diving into adventures or mysteries through pages. That’s what she likes to do. 
  • Elisabeth likes to cook. She tries out new recipes and makes yummy food. It’s like being a kitchen scientist, mixing things to create delicious meals. 
  • She also loves spending time with her pets. Picture playing and cuddling with cute animals; that’s part of her fun time. 
  • Gardening is another hobby. Elisabeth plants flowers and vegetables, watching them grow from tiny seeds. It’s like magic when plants sprout and bloom.


  • How old is Elisabeth Moss?

          She’s 43 years old, and she likes having 43 birthday parties!

  • How tall is Moss?

          Elisabeth is also not very tall; she stands at about 5 feet 2 inches.

  • Does Elisabeth have any brothers or sisters?

          Yes, she has a younger brother named Derek. 

  • What shows has Elisabeth been in?

          She’s been in “The West Wing,” “Mad Men,” and more. 

  • Can I find Elisabeth on social media?

          Yep, she shares fun pictures on Instagram. 

  • Has Elisabeth won any awards?

          Yes, she’s gotten gold stars (awards) for her acting. 

  • Does Elisabeth like to read?

         She loves reading books, and she likes going on adventures through pages.


Elisabeth Moss is a wonderful actress who shows us all kinds of stories through her acting. She’s been in lots of movies and TV shows, making us feel happy, sad, and everything in between. Elisabeth is very talented and works hard at acting. She loves to share stories, just like when you read your favorite book or play make-believe with friends.

Remember, Elisabeth teaches us to dream big and be brave, just like the characters she plays. She’s a real-life star shining bright in Hollywood, telling stories that remind us to be kind and strong and always chase our dreams. 

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