Who is Debraca Denise? Bio/Wiki, Networth, Age, Height, Career, Family

Debraca Denise

Debraca Denise is a name that carries a lot of weight in the entertainment industry. As the daughter of the famous Betty Jean Harris, she comes from a family that is well-known in Hollywood. Debraca was born in 1947 and is now 76 years old. Standing at 5 feet 5 inches, she has a commanding presence that matches her impressive family background. While not much is known about her body measurements, her career and family legacy speak for themselves. Let’s take a closer look at Debraca Denise’s net worth, age, height, career, and family in this blog post.

Who is Debraca Denise?

Debraca Denise is a special lady because her mom and dad were very famous. Her mom, Betty Jean Harris, was a great dancer and actress. Debraca was born in 1947, which makes her 76 years old now.

She is not too tall and not too short, standing at 5 feet 5 inches. Many people know her because of her family, but she also has her own story. Just like in a movie, Debraca’s life is full of interesting parts that make people want to know more about her.

Full Name Debraca Denise
Gender Female
Year of Birth 1947
Age 76 years (in 2024)
Place of Birth St. Louis, United States
Nationality America
Ethnicity African – American
Religion Christianity
Profession Television Star
Height 5 ft. 5 inches

Debraca Denise

 Early life and Education

Debraca Denise grew up in a house full of love and laughter. Her parents were very famous, which made her childhood interesting. She learned a lot from them. As a young girl, she went to school just like other kids.

Debraca liked learning new things and making friends. Even though she was the daughter of famous parents, she enjoyed simple pleasures like reading books and playing games. Her education helped her become smart and kind. Debraca’s school days were happy and full of fun memories.

Debraca Denise’s Real name

Debraca Denise is a name that might sound special because it is. But guess what? It is her real name. When Debraca was born, her parents thought this name was perfect for her. Just like in stories where heroes have unique names, Debraca’s name makes her stand out.

It’s not a name you hear every day, right? It fits her just right, like a key fits into a lock. So when you hear the name Debraca Denise, you know it’s her, the daughter of famous parents, with a name as unique as she is.

Debraca Denise Nationality

Debraca Denise is from a place called America. It means she is American. Being American is cool because America is a big country with lots of different people and places. Debraca’s mom and dad were also from America.

So, just like you might be from where your family lives, Debraca is American because that’s where her family is from, too. In America, people do lots of fun things, eat yummy food, and celebrate holidays in their unique way. And that’s what being American means for Debraca Denise.

Debraca Denise Age, Weight, Height

Debraca Denise was born in 1947, which makes her 76 years old now. She is just the right height, standing at 5 feet 5 inches tall. We don’t know how much she weighs, but that’s okay! Everyone’s weight is different and can change, just like how sometimes you might be taller than your friends, and sometimes they might catch up to you.

Debraca’s age shows she has seen a lot of birthdays, and her height is perfect for reaching up high or bending down low, making her just right the way she is.


Debraca Denise’s parents are exceptional. Her mom, Betty Jean Harris, was an excellent dancer and actress. She shone brightly on the stage with her talents. Her dad was famous too, making people laugh and smile as a comic actor in Hollywood.

Imagine growing up with a mom who could dance like the stars and a dad who could make anyone laugh! That’s what Debraca’s life was like. Her parents shared their love of performing with her, making their home a place full of laughter, music, and dance. They were a family that genuinely sparkled in the world of entertainment.

Parents Redd Foxx – Father
Betty Jean Harris – Mother

Debraca Denise Siblings

Debraca Denise has brothers and sisters, but their names and stories need to be more well-known. Just like in any family, they shared a lot of fun times. Playing games, celebrating birthdays, and enjoying holidays would have been part of their lives.

Imagine having a sister who comes from a famous family! That would make family gatherings really interesting, with stories of movie sets and stage performances. But just like your brothers or sisters, Debraca’s siblings would be significant to her, sharing secrets and dreams just like you do with your siblings.

Debraca Denise Husband/Boyfriend

Debraca Denise keeps her heart stories a bit of a secret, like a hidden treasure. She hasn’t shared much about a husband or boyfriend with the world. It’s like when you have a best friend, you only tell your most special secrets.

Some things are just meant to be kept close, like a special toy or a favorite book. Just like we keep our most precious treasures safe, Debraca keeps her love life just for herself. It’s her little secret garden, where not everyone can go.


Debraca Denise likes to keep things about her family just for herself. It means we don’t know if she has any children. Some people like to share everything about their family, but Debraca chooses to keep this part of her life private.

It’s like when you have a unique secret that you only share with your very best friend. So, while we might be curious, we respect her choice to keep her family life just between them. It’s a way to make sure they have their own unique space that is just theirs.

Debraca Denise on Wikipedia

Debraca Denise has yet to have a page on Wikipedia for her. Wikipedia is like a big online book where you can learn about so many people and things. Sometimes, only some have their page there.

This is because the people who make Wikipedia choose to write about things that lots of people are looking for. Even though Debraca comes from a famous family, you might need help finding a page about her. But you can still learn about her family and other cool stuff on Wikipedia!

Debraca Denise

Debraca Denise Ethnicity

Debraca Denise comes from a family with roots in America. Ethnicity means where your family comes from, like the country or place. Debraca’s mom and dad were African American, which means they and their families were from America, but their ancestors came from Africa a long time ago.

Just like how some friends might have families from different parts of the world, Debraca’s family has its own unique story. It’s like a special recipe that makes her who she is.

 Presence on social media

Debraca Denise is like a hidden treasure on social media. It means she doesn’t share a lot of things online like some people do. Imagine having a secret clubhouse where only your best friends can come in.

That’s a bit like how Debraca treats her social media. She’s not everywhere like some stars, sharing everything. Instead, she picks and chooses what to share, making it unique. If you look for her on places like Instagram or Twitter, you might not find a lot. It’s like she’s playing a fun game of hide and seek with the internet.


Debraca Denise’s job is a mystery. We know she comes from a family that loves acting and dancing because her mom was a great dancer, and her dad made people laugh in movies. But Debraca likes to keep her work life private, like a secret.

It’s like when you have a secret clubhouse or a particular hiding spot that only you and your best friends know about. So, while we know she grew up around lots of creativity, what she does every day is her secret adventure.

Debraca Denise

Debraca Denise Net worth

Debraca Denise’s net worth is like a big secret treasure chest that has yet to be opened. People are curious about how much money she might have because her family is famous. But just like some treasures are hidden away and not talked about much, Debraca’s exact net worth has yet to be known to the public.

Think of it like when you save up your allowance in a piggy bank, and only you know how much is inside. That’s kind of what Debraca’s net worth is like – it’s her piggy bank, and she’s keeping it private.

 Future plans

Debraca Denise has dreams and plans for the future, just like you might dream about being an astronaut or a teacher when you grow up. Even though she keeps these dreams close to her heart, like a special secret, we know they will be wonderful and full of surprises.

Imagine planning for a big adventure or creating a masterpiece; that’s how Debraca thinks about her future. It’s filled with possibilities and exciting things that are waiting just around the corner for her to discover and explore.


  •  Debraca likes to do fun things just like you do!
  •  She enjoys reading books. Imagine going on adventures without leaving your room!
  •  Watching movies is another hobby. It’s like having a cinema at home!
  •  She loves spending time with her family, playing games, and laughing.
  •  Cooking might be something she enjoys too. Picture making a yummy cake or cookies!
  •  Debraca also likes dancing, just like her mom. Dancing around to music can be so much fun!
  •  Walking in nature and looking at all the beautiful things outside is something she might love.


  • Who is Debraca Denise’s mom?

          Her mom is Betty Jean Harris, a famous dancer and actress.

  • How tall is Debraca Denise?

          She is 5 feet 5 inches tall, just right for hugging!

  • Does Debraca have any brothers or sisters?

          Yes, she has siblings, but we don’t know their names.

  • Where does Debraca Denise live?

          We keep that secret to keep her safe.

  • What does Debraca like to do for fun?

          She enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with family.


Debraca Denise has a story that is both fun and interesting, like a book full of secrets and surprises. We learned about where she comes from, her famous family, and the little bits she shares about herself. Even though she keeps many things private, what we do know is that Debraca’s life is a whole of adventures, just like the stories we love to read and the games we play.

Remember, everyone’s story is unique, and Debraca Denise’s story shows us how exciting and mysterious life can be. Let’s keep imagining and wondering about all the beautiful things she might do next!

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