Barney Phillips Networth, Age, Height, Career, Family, Bio/Wiki

Barney Phillips

Barney Phillips was a talented American actor. He was famous for his work in film, TV, and radio. Phillips was born on October 20, 1913, in St. Louis, Missouri. He had a successful career that spanned several decades. He was born into a family of a leather industry salesman and a naturalized German citizen. , Phillips passed away at the age of 68 due to cancer. Phillips height is 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 76 kg, Phillips had a memorable presence on screen.

Who is Barney Phillips?

Barney Phillips was a man who acted in movies, TV shows, and on the radio. He was born a long time ago, in 1913, in St. Louis, Missouri. When he was born, he was given the name Bernard Philip Ofner. But, he chose to be called Barney Phillips when acting.

He loved to act and played many different roles on the screen. People liked watching him because he was good at pretending to be others. He had a mom and a dad, but little was known about whether he had brothers or sisters. He had a mom and a dad, but people knew little about whether he had brothers or sisters.

Date of birth


Oct 20, 1913

August 17, 1982 (aged 68)

Height 5 feet and 9 inches
Weight 76kg
Net worth Approximately $2 million
Gender Male
Profession Voice actor

Early life and education

Barney Phillips grew up in St. Louis, a big city with many people. As a young boy, Barney went to school like most kids. He liked to learn and play. We don’t know much about his school, but he enjoyed acting even when he was little.

Acting is when you pretend to be someone else for a play or a movie. Maybe he acted in school plays. Barney grew up in a family that cared about him. His mom and dad were always there for him. He learned a lot from them and his teachers.

Barney Phillips’s Real name

Barney Phillips was only sometimes called Barney. When he was born, his name was Bernard Philip Ofner. That’s a pretty big name. So, when he grew up and became an actor, he used a shorter name that people could remember easily.

That’s how he became known as Barney Phillips. Sometimes, we might have a nickname that our friends or family call us; Barney chose a unique name for his acting. It’s fun to pick a name you like for a particular job.

Barney Phillips Nationality

Barney Phillips was from the United States, which means he was American. Being American means he was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in the USA. It is a big country with lots of different people and places.

When someone is American, it means they belong to the United States. Barney lived and worked there, making movies and shows that people from all over could watch. So, remember, Barney Phillips was an American actor.

Barney Phillips Age, Weight, Height

Barney Phillips was a grown-up who lived a long time. When he was born, it was way back in 1913. That means he got to celebrate lots of birthdays! He was older than most grandparents when he passed away, being 68 years old.

Barney was a little short but wasn’t short either; he was just 5 feet 9 inches tall. That’s like stacking almost six rulers on top of each other! He weighed about as much as a big dog, around 76 kg. Imagine picking up a big, fluffy dog; that’s how much Barney weighed.


Barney Phillips was born to two loving parents. His dad’s name was Harry Nathan Ofner, and he worked selling things made of leather. That’s like being a superhero for purses and jackets! Barney’s mom was Leona Frank Ofner, but her friends called her Lonnie.

She came from a faraway place called Germany but became an American. Like in the stories, Barney’s mom and dad helped him become the great person he was, teaching him about the world and how to be kind. They were a big part of his life story.

Barney Phillips Siblings

We only have a little information about Barney Phillips’ brothers or sisters. He may have been an only child, or his siblings liked to stay out of the spotlight. like in a game of hide-and-seek, sometimes people prefer to stay hidden, and that’s okay.

We know that Barney became very famous for his acting. But, it’s a mystery whether he shared his childhood games and dreams with brothers or sisters.

Barney Phillips’s Wife/Girlfriend

Barney Phillips was married to a lady named Andrea Phillips. They were like a team, always there for each other. Some people have a best friend. They share everything. Barney shares his life with Andrea.

He may have had a girlfriend before he met Andrea, but once they got married, they stayed together. Think of them like your favourite pair of superheroes, always side by side. They didn’t love each other; they were best friends, too.


Barney Phillips and his wife, Andrea, had kids, but we don’t know much about them. Like in a family picture where everyone is smiling, Barney’s children were a big part of his life.

Even though we don’t hear their names or stories in the movies or on TV, they were essential to him. Kids are like treasures in parents’ hearts. Barney had his treasures too. Like your family and friends, Barney had his family, which made him happy.

Barney Phillips Death

Barney Phillips got very sick with something called cancer. It is a sickness that can make your body not work right. Even though doctors try to help, they sometimes can’t make the illness disappear. Barney had to go to a hospital called Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in a big city named Los Angeles.

This is where he stayed when he was very sick. On a day in summer, August 17, 1982, Barney couldn’t fight the sickness anymore, and he died. He was 68 years old. People were unfortunate because they missed him.

Barney Phillips on Wikipedia

You can visit a big Wikipedia website to learn more about Barney Phillips. It’s like a vast online library where you can find stories about many people, including Barney. On his Wikipedia page, you’ll see information about the movies he was in, the shows he acted in, and more about his life.

It’s like having a big book that tells you all about him, but you can see it on a computer or tablet. remember, it has many big words. But, it’s another way to learn about Barney Phillips and his adventures.

Barney Phillips

Barney Phillips Ethnicity

Barney Phillips’ mom came from a faraway place called Germany, making her German. This means Barney had some German in him because of his mom. Yet, since he was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States, he has also been American.

So, Barney Phillips had German roots because of his family but was an American actor. People from all sorts of places make up who we are, like ingredients in a yummy salad.

 Presence on Social Media

Barney Phillips was an actor long before the internet and social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were made. Barney needed social media accounts since he lived in a time without these online places to share pictures and stories.

Today, people remember him through old movies and TV shows they can watch. Some fans might share things about him online, but Barney never posted anything online because those tools weren’t around when he was.


Barney Phillips was a man who loved to pretend to be other people, which is what actors do. He was in movies, like the stories you watch on a big screen, and TV shows, which are stories on a smaller screen at home.

Barney also worked on the radio, using only his voice to help people imagine the story without seeing anything. He played many characters, like police officers and soldiers, and was very good at it. People enjoyed watching and listening to Barney because he made the stories feel real.

Barney Phillips

Barney Phillips Net worth

Barney Phillips made money by being an actor. He acted in lots of movies and TV shows. Imagine if you got paid every time you pretended to be a superhero or a princess. That’s what acting is like. We are still determining exactly how much money he had, but being in movies and on TV usually means you make a good amount of money.

It helped him take care of his family and buy things they needed. Even though we can’t say the exact number, Barney worked hard and earned money by doing what he loved.

Barney Phillips


  •  Barney Phillips liked to act but had fun doing other things when he wasn’t acting.

  •  He enjoyed reading books, letting his imagination run wild with stories.

  •  Barney loved to spend time outdoors, maybe going for walks or playing in the park.

  •  Listening to music was another one of his hobbies. He could relax or dance to the tunes.

  •  Barney enjoyed playing board games with his family or friends, which was fun. It made him laugh and think.

  •  Sometimes, Barney would paint or draw, creating beautiful pictures with colors.


  • Did Barney have any siblings?

          We’re curious if Barney had brothers or sisters. That part of his story is a mystery.

  • What movies was Barney in?

          Barney acted in lots of movies and TV shows. He played many roles, like police officers and soldiers, making stories feel real.

  • How tall was Barney?

          Barney was 5 feet 9 inches tall. That’s like stacking almost six rulers on top of each other!

  • When did Barney die?

          Barney died on August 17, 1982, because he was very sick with cancer.

  • Was Barney on social media?

          No, Barney lived before the internet and social media, so he didn’t have any online profiles or post anything online.


Barney Phillips was a particular person who pretended to be different characters in movies and TV shows and was good at it. He made people happy by being in stories that we can still watch today. Barney loved his family, and Phillips had a big heart.

Even though he isn’t here anymore, we remember him through the fun shows and movies he was in. Barney’s work makes people smile like a book that never gets old. He showed us that being kind and working hard is essential. Barney’s story is like a star shining in the sky, constantly reminding us to do our best.

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