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Neville Archambault Net Worth.Height, Career, Bio/Wiki, Age, Family

Neville Archambault was a talented and versatile American actor known for his captivating performances on both stage and screen. With a career over several decades, Archambault left a lasting impression on audiences with his exceptional acting skills. He rose to fame for portraying creepy and disturbing characters in the horror film 13 Cameras and its sequel, 14 Cameras. This blog post will look closely at Neville Archambault’s life and career, including his net worth, height, bio/wiki, age, and family. So, let’s dive in and explore the legacy of this talented actor.

Who is Neville Archambault?

Neville Archambault was a famous American actor. He acted in many TV shows and plays on stage where people could watch live. People knew him very well because he worked in scary movies called 13 Cameras and 14 Cameras, where he played spooky parts that made people jump.

He was pretty tall, as tall as a grown-up, and had a big smile. Neville was born a long time ago, in 1956, and he had a big family that greatly loved him. He worked hard in his movies and plays, making many people enjoy watching him act.

Real Name/Full Name Neville Archambault
Profession Actor
Famous Actor
Age 68 years (as of 2024)
Date Of Birth/ Birthdate June 8, 1956
Birthplace USA
Nationality/From USA
Gender Male

Early life and Education

Neville Archambault was born in the United States on June 8, 1956. As a little boy, he went to school every day just like you. Neville liked to learn about many things and play with his friends. He was very good at acting, even when he was young. People noticed he could pretend to be someone else very well.

So, he decided to learn more about acting as he grew up. He attended a school where people knew how to act in plays and movies. This school helped Neville become a great actor. He worked very hard and listened to his teachers, which is essential if you want to be good at something when you grow up.

Neville Archambault’s Real name

Neville Archambault’s real name is the same as what we call him, Neville Archambault! That’s right, his parents gave him this name when he was born. Just like you have a name that your family and friends call you, Neville was known by his real name in movies and real life.

Isn’t it cool that the name we see on movie posters and TV is the same name his mom and dad called him? Sometimes actors use different names when they act, but not Neville. He used his real name everywhere he went.


Neville Archambault Nationality

Neville Archambault was from a place called the United States. That means he was American. Just like when you say where you’re from, like if you’re from a city or a town, Neville’s place was a big country with many states.

Being American means, he was from the same place where they have the giant statue called the Statue of Liberty and where they celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks. So, whenever you watch his movies or hear his name, you know he comes from the same place where many famous movies are made and many people have big dreams just like him.

Neville Archambault Age, Weight, Height

Neville Archambault was born long ago, on June 8, 1956. That means he was an adult with many years of being alive. When he was still with us, he was as tall as you might think when you imagine a basketball player, but not quite that tall he was 5 feet and 10 inches tall.

That’s like stacking a lot of rulers on top of each other until you get to 70 inches! He also weighed as much as about 200 bags of sugar, but all those bags together would be as heavy as him – 200 pounds. He was a big, strong man who could act in movies and make people believe he was someone else.


Neville Archambault was born to his mom and dad, just like you. His parents loved him a lot and helped him become who he was. We don’t know their names, but they must have been very proud of Neville. They saw him grow up from a little boy into a big, strong man who was good at acting.

Imagine your parents clapping and smiling when you do something unique; that’s probably how Neville’s parents felt when they watched him in the movies. Just like your mom and dad help you with homework and teach you right from wrong, Neville’s parents did the same for him when he was young.

Neville Archambault Siblings

Neville Archambault grew up with brothers and sisters like some might have. Having siblings means you always have someone to play with, share secrets, and sometimes even argue, but ultimately, you all still love each other. We don’t know how many brothers or sisters Neville had or their names, but they were part of his family.

Having siblings can be fun because you can pretend to be in movies together, just like Neville probably did. Imagine acting out stories, being different characters with your brothers or sisters, and making your little movies at home. That’s what makes having siblings so unique.

Neville Archambault Wife

Neville Archambault was married, which means he had a wife, someone special who he loved and shared his life with. Like in stories where princes and princesses marry and live happily, Neville also had his real-life fairy tale.

When two people get married, they promise to take care of each other and share everything, like happiness and even popcorn during movie nights. We don’t know his wife’s name, but she was critical of him. They supported each other, especially when Neville was acting in his movies. Having someone you love by your side is like having a best friend who is always there for you, no matter what.

Neville Archambault Net Worth.Height, Career, Bio/Wiki, Age,


Neville Archambault had kids, which means he was a dad. Being a dad is like being a superhero but without the cape. You get to teach your kids cool things, like how to ride a bike or play a game. We don’t know how many kids he had or their names, but being a dad was a big part of his life.

Just imagine him telling bedtime stories or playing catch in the backyard. Dads have an exceptional job of ensuring their kids feel loved and happy. Neville’s kids probably have lots of fun memories with him, doing all sorts of neat things together, just like you might do with your family.

Neville Archambault Death

Neville Archambault was a very talented actor who many people loved to watch in movies. Sadly, he is no longer with us. On September 4, 2022, he passed away. This means he died and can’t act in movies or plays anymore. When someone dies, it’s a sad time for their family and friends because they miss him a lot.

Even though Neville is not here now, we can still remember him by watching his movies and thinking about how good he was at acting. He left us little pieces of his talent to enjoy forever. People worldwide who liked his movies felt sad when they heard he was gone.

Neville Archambault on Wikipedia

You can find him on Wikipedia if you want to learn more about Neville Archambault. It’s a prominent online place to read stories about many people, including Neville. When you go there, you’ll see a page that tells you about his life, like a storybook on a computer or tablet.

It talks about the movies he was in, where he was born, and all the important things he did. Remember, Wikipedia is like a vast library on the internet where you can learn lots of things, not just about Neville, but about anything you’re curious about!


Neville Archambault Ethnicity

Neville Archambault came from a place full of different kinds of people. Like in your classroom, where each friend may come from a different family background, Neville’s family history is a mix of many places worldwide. Think of it like a salad bowl, where every piece is unique, but they make something beautiful together.

We don’t have all the details about where his family came from long ago, but it’s like a mystery waiting to be solved. Imagine being a detective and finding out about your own family’s history! That’s what makes learning about where we come from so interesting.

Legacy and impacts

Neville Archambault was like a star shining bright in movies, especially those spooky ones that made us hold our breath. He showed us that it’s okay to be scared sometimes, which made his films special. Even though Neville is not here now, people still watch his movies and feel excited or scared, just like they did the first time.

He taught us that being different in film is excellent and that making people feel something when they watch is essential. Kids and grown-ups remember him because he was very good at acting like someone else. Neville left a significant mark in movies, just like drawing a picture everyone remembers.

Presence on Social media

Neville Archambault liked to share parts of his life and acting on social media. Social media is like a big online playground where people can post pictures, videos, and stories about what they are doing. Just like how you might show your friends a cool drawing you made,

Neville would share about the movies he was in or fun moments from his day. Even though he was a grown-up, he knew it was a fun way to keep in touch with people who liked his acting. But it’s important to remember to be kind and safe when we use social media, just like Neville did.


Neville Archambault Net Worth

Neville Archambault was like a treasure hunter in his acting career, collecting coins for his piggy bank from the movies and shows he acted in. Just like when you save up money to buy something special, Neville did the same by acting. People liked watching him, especially in those scary movies, which helped him add coins to his piggy bank.

Although we don’t know how big his piggy bank got, being a famous actor means he probably had a lot of coins saved up. Remember, it’s not just about how many coins you have, but the fun and smiles you collect along the way, just like Neville did with his acting.

Future Plans

Since Neville Archambault has passed away, he won’t be making new plans for the future. When people die, they can’t act in movies, go to work, or plan for birthdays or holidays anymore. But we can still make plans to remember him. We could watch his films on a rainy day or draw pictures of our favorite characters he played.

We can also tell stories about what we liked best in his movies. It’s a way to remember the fun and spooky times he gave us through acting. Even though Neville can’t make new plans, we can keep his memory alive and enjoy the work he left behind.


  • Neville Archambault loved acting but also had fun doing other things. 
  • He liked watching movies – not just scary ones, but all kinds. It was like he could go on adventures while sitting at home. 
  • Neville enjoyed spending time outdoors. Imagine playing in a big park; that’s how he felt when he was outside.
  • He was also into photography. Taking pictures lets him capture special moments, just like when you draw a picture of something you love. 
  • Cooking was another hobby of his. Picture making a yummy cake or a delicious meal; that’s what he liked to do. 
  • Neville found joy in reading books, too. It was like going on a treasure hunt in his mind, discovering new stories and learning cool things.


Was Neville Archambault in movies?

Yes, he acted in scary movies that made people jump, like 13 Cameras and 14 Cameras.

How tall was Neville Archambault?

He was as tall as 5 feet and 10 inches. Imagine stacking lots of rulers until they reach up to 70 inches!

Did Neville have any brothers or sisters?

He grew up with siblings, like some who might have brothers or sisters to play with.

What did Neville like to do besides acting?

He loved watching movies, playing outside, taking pictures, cooking yummy food, and reading books, just like going on treasure hunts with your mind.

Is Neville still acting in movies?

No, Neville passed away, so he can’t act in movies or make new ones anymore, but we can still watch the movies he was in and remember him.


In this big story about Neville Archambault, we learned a lot about a man who loved acting and making movies that could scare and excite us. He was like a magic painter, using his acting to create pictures in our minds that we won’t forget. Even though he can’t be with us to make new movies, the ones he left behind are like treasures we can enjoy again and again.

By learning about his life, from being a kid to becoming a star, we see how someone can follow their dreams and make them real, just like Neville did with his acting. Remember, everyone has a story, and Neville teaches us to chase our dreams and be brave, just like the characters he played on screen.

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