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Thomas James Burris Biography, Net Worth, Height, Age, Death, Family

Thomas James Burris was a real estate developer and husband to the famous musician Karen Carpenter. Born on 30 Nov 1940 in the United States, Burris had a successful career in real estate before meeting Carpenter in 1980 at Ma Maison Restaurant. The couple’s whirlwind romance led to their marriage that same year, but unfortunately, it ended in divorce in 1981. Despite their short-lived marriage, Burris remains a notable figure in the entertainment industry due to his connection to Carpenter. Read more about Thomas James Burris’ biography, net worth, height, age, and family.

Who is Thomas James Burris?

Thomas James Burris was a man who worked in real estate, which means he helped people buy and sell houses and buildings. He became famous because he married Karen Carpenter, a viral singer.

They met in Ma Maison Restaurant and married quickly but only briefly stayed married. Thomas was born on 30 Nov 1940, a long time ago, in the United States. He is known because of his marriage to Karen and his career in selling and managing properties. Even though he and Karen didn’t stay together, people still remember him.

Thomas James Burris Bio/Wiki

Attribute Details
Full Name Thomas James Burris
Birth Date November 30, 1940
Age 83 years old
Height Not specified
Weight Not specified
Nationality American
Ethnicity Not specified
Education Details not specified; likely attended school and learned about real estate
Career Real estate developer
Net Worth Not publicly disclosed
Marital Status Divorced from Karen Carpenter
Children No children with Karen Carpenter
Social Media Presence Minimal; prefers privacy
Wikipedia Has a Wikipedia page with information about his life and marriage to Karen Carpenter
Legacy and Impacts Remembered primarily for his marriage to Karen Carpenter
Hobbies Possibly includes outdoor activities, music, reading, and collecting


Early life and Education

Thomas James Burris was born in 1940 in the United States of America. As a little boy, he went to school just like you. We don’t know much about his school, but every child learns to read, write, and do math in school, so he did that, too. He also liked to play during recess and had favorite subjects just like you might have.

After he grew up, he decided to work with houses and buildings, which means he learned a lot about them. He didn’t become famous for attending school, but because he married a viral singer.

Thomas James Burris’s Real name

Thomas James Burris is his real name! Sometimes, people have stage names or nicknames that they are known by, especially if they are famous. But in this case, Thomas didn’t change his name. He kept his name just as it was when he was born. Just like you have a name given to you when you were born, Thomas did, too.

His parents decided on “Thomas James Burris”, the name he grew up with and used in his job and when he married. So, when we talk about Thomas James Burris, we use his real name, the one his family calls him by.

Thomas James Burris Nationality

Thomas James Burris comes from a place called the United States of America. That means he is American. Just like you might live in a place where you say you’re from, like if you live in Texas, you say, “I’m from Texas,” Thomas says, “I’m from America.” America is a big country with many different people, and Thomas is one of them.

So, when we talk about where Thomas is from, we say he is an American. It’s like being part of a big team where everyone in that place is on the same team.

Thomas James Burris Age, Weight, Height

Thomas James Burris was born a long time ago, in 1940. Since it’s many years later, you can figure out how old he is by subtracting the year he was born from the current year. Thomas has a height just like you do, but adults are usually much taller than kids.

We don’t know how tall Thomas is, but most grown-ups are taller than kids’ measuring sticks! As for his weight, that’s how heavy someone is when they step on a scale. People come in all different sizes and weights, and that’s okay! But, we need the specific numbers for how tall or heavy Thomas is.


Thomas James Burris had a mom and a dad, just like everybody else. Their names and what they did for work are not well known, so we only have a few stories about them. Imagine your parents doing all the things parents do, like making breakfast or taking you to school. Thomas’ parents did those kinds of things, too.

They helped him grow up and learn to be a person in the big world. Even though we don’t know their names or stories, they were vital because they were Thomas’ family, just like your family is essential to you.

Thomas James Burris Siblings

Thomas James Burris might have brothers or sisters, just like some kids have siblings they play with, share secrets, or sometimes even argue with. It’s like having a permanent friend in your family! But we don’t have much information about Thomas’s siblings.

This means we don’t know their names or if he had fun playing games with them when he was a kid like you. Imagine if you had a secret clubhouse or special handshakes with your siblings; maybe Thomas did, too! But since we don’t know for sure, we can only guess what it was like for him growing up with or without siblings.

Thomas James Burris’s Wife

Thomas James Burris was married to a very famous singer named Karen Carpenter. Karen had a beautiful voice and sang songs many people loved listening to. Thomas and Karen met at a place where people go to eat delicious food called Ma Maison Restaurant.

It was almost like a fairy tale because they liked each other as soon as they saw each other and decided to get married that same year, in 1980. But, just like in some stories, only some things were perfect. They started not understanding each other well and decided they couldn’t be married anymore. So, they got a divorce in 1981, which means they stopped being husband and wife.



When they were married, Thomas James Burris and Karen Carpenter didn’t have any children together. Sometimes couples have babies, and sometimes they don’t. Some families have many kids running around, laughing and playing, and some families have pets instead or quiet rooms where grown-ups talk.

Thomas and Karen decided or perhaps just found themselves in a situation where they didn’t have little ones to tuck into bed at night or take to the park on sunny afternoons. Every family looks different, and that’s okay. Thomas and Karen’s family was just the two of them.

Thomas James Burris on Wikipedia

If you like using the computer to look up things, you might use a website called Wikipedia. It’s like a massive book on the internet with pages about so many people, places, and things! Thomas James Burris has a page on Wikipedia, too. It’s a place where you can find a little bit of the story of his life, who he married, and his real estate job.

But remember, not everything on the internet is always right, so it’s like when you’re listening to stories. It’s important to know which stories are true. Many people work together on Wikipedia to write what they know about Thomas and many other things.


Thomas James Burris Ethnicity

Thomas James Burris’ ethnicity is something people might wonder about. Ethnicity is like a particular group from which people come. It can tell us about the food they might like, the languages they speak at home, or the special holidays they celebrate. However, we need specific details about Thomas James Burris’s ethnicity.

Just like some of your friends might have stories about where their families come from, Thomas has his own story, too. But since we don’t know, we can imagine it’s as unique and exciting as all the stories worldwide.

Legacy and impacts

Thomas James Burris might not be as famous as a superhero in a movie, but he still has a story many people know about. His name is remembered because he was married to Karen Carpenter, who sang beautiful songs. Sometimes, when grown-ups talk about Karen and her music, they mention Thomas.

This is like leaving footprints in the sand at the beach. Even though Thomas and Karen have not been together for a long time, the story of their marriage is a part of Karen’s bigger story. It’s like when you are part of a team at school, and everyone remembers something special you did together.

Presence on Social media

Thomas James Burris is someone other than someone you’ll find posting pictures or stories on places like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Unlike many people today who share lots of their lives online for friends or even strangers to see, Thomas keeps his life private.

That means he doesn’t share what he’s eating for breakfast or where he’s going on vacation on the internet. It’s like having a secret clubhouse where only certain friends can enter. Thomas has chosen to keep his clubhouse private, so we don’t see him sharing parts of his life on social media.


Thomas James Burris Net Worth

Talking about how much money Thomas James Burris has, or his net worth, is like guessing how many jellybeans are in a big jar at the candy store. Since Thomas worked in real estate, helping people buy and sell houses, he probably made some money. But, just like when you save your allowance or birthday money, we don’t know exactly how much he saved.

People are curious about this because they wonder how rich he might be, especially since he was married to Karen Carpenter, who was very famous. But the amount of money Thomas has isn’t something that’s shared out loud, like sometimes you keep your piggy bank savings a secret.


  • Thomas James Burris liked doing things just for fun, like hobbies. 
  • Hobbies are activities you enjoy when not working. 
  • He may have liked to walk outside, feeling the breeze and looking at trees. 
  • Some people enjoy painting pictures with lots of colours. Maybe Thomas did, too. 
  • Reading books can take you to magical places without leaving home. Thomas might have liked this. 
  • Collecting things, like stamps or shiny rocks, can be a hobby. Perhaps Thomas had a collection. 
  • Playing music or listening to songs can make you happy. Since he was married to a singer, he probably enjoyed music.
  • Gardening and growing flowers or veggies could have been something he liked. 
  • Everyone has different hobbies; these are just some possibilities for Thomas.


Who is Thomas James Burris?

Thomas James Burris is a man who worked in real estate and married a singer named Karen Carpenter.

Did Thomas and Karen have any kids?

No, Thomas and Karen had no children together when they were married.

How did Thomas become famous?

Thomas became known because he was married to Karen Carpenter, who was a very famous singer.

Is Thomas James Burris still alive?

As far as we know, Thomas James Burris is still alive.

What did Thomas like to do for fun?

We’re still determining all his hobbies, but he might have enjoyed listening to music and being outdoors since those are fun.


In this big story about Thomas James Burris, we learned many things. He was a man who worked with houses and buildings and had a short marriage with a famous singer named Karen Carpenter. Even though they didn’t stay married for long, people still remember him.

We talked about where he’s from and America and a little about his family and hobbies. It’s like when you read a book and learn about the characters – Thomas is a natural person with his own story. Just like you and me, he has things he likes to do and a story that makes him unique.

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