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Kene Holliday Age, Net Worth, Height, Career, Bio/Wiki, Family

Kene Holliday is a talented American actor known for his captivating performances on both the big and small screens. With a career spanning several decades, Holliday has established himself as a versatile and skilled actor, winning the hearts of audiences with his dynamic portrayals of various characters. Born on June 25, 1949, Holliday has achieved great success and recognition in the entertainment industry. In this blog post, we will look closer at his age, net worth, height, career, bio/wiki, and family, shedding light on the life of the talented Kene Holliday.

Who is Kene Holliday?

Kene Holliday is a famous American actor. He acts in TV shows and movies. People know him best for playing a character named Tyler Hudson on a show called Matlock. It’s a show about a lawyer solving cases. Kene also played Sgt. Curtis Baker is on a show named Carter Country.

He was born on June 25, 1949, which makes him quite experienced and respected in acting. Kene is very tall, standing at 6 feet and 5 inches. He loves acting and has been in many shows and movies, making people smile and enjoy watching TV. He is a big inspiration to many people who want to be actors.


Kene Holliday Bio/Wiki

Attribute Details
Full Name Kenneth Earl Holliday
Stage Name Kene Holliday
Birth Date June 25, 1949
Age 75 years old
Height 6 feet 5 inches (196 cm)
Weight 143 pounds (64 kg)
Nationality American
Ethnicity African-American
Education University of Maryland
Career Actor
Notable Roles Tyler Hudson in “Matlock”, Sgt. Curtis Baker in “Carter Country”
Net Worth Approximately $1 million
Marital Status Private; details not widely known
Children Private; details not widely known
Social Media Presence Minimal; prefers privacy
Legacy and Impact Influential in the TV industry, paving the way for African-American actors
Hobbies Drawing, listening to music, walking, reading, playing games, cooking


Early life and Education

Kene Holliday was born in a place called Copiague in New York. He went to school just like you when he was a little boy. Kene liked to act in plays and perform for people. He was very good at it.

After finishing school, Kene wanted to learn more about acting. So, he went to a big school called the University of Maryland. There, he kept learning how to be a great actor. Kene worked very hard in school because he loved acting so much. He wanted to become good at it so that he could be on TV shows and in movies. And guess what? His dream came true!

Kene Holliday’s Real name

Kene Holliday is what most people call him when they see him on TV or in movies. But did you know that’s not the name he was given when he was born? His real name is Kenneth Earl Holliday.

That’s right! Kenneth is his first name, and Earl is his middle name. When he became an actor, he used the name Kene Holliday instead. It’s a bit shorter and more accessible for his fans to remember. Just like some people have nicknames or like to be called something different, Kene Holliday chose a unique name for his acting.

Kene Holliday Nationality

Kene Holliday is from a place called the United States of America. This means he is American. The United States is a vast country with lots of people. Being American means that Kene was born in this country or became a citizen of this country.

When you say where you are from, that’s where your home is. Kene’s home country is the United States, so when we talk about where he comes from, we say he is an American. Just like you might say you are from your hometown, Kene says he is from America.

Kene Holliday Age, Weight, Height

Kene Holliday was born a long time ago, in 1949, which means he is pretty old now but still imposing! Imagine, he has seen so many birthdays! Today, if you count all those birthdays, he is over 75.

Kene is also very tall, much taller than most people you know. He stands up straight and reaches 6 feet and 5 inches high! That’s like stacking a lot of rulers on top of each other. And he is not very heavy for such a tall person. He weighs 143 pounds and 64 Kg, which is like what a big dog weighs. Kene is tall and not too heavy, like a gentle giant from your favorite story.


Kene Holliday grew up with his family in New York. His parents were the ones who took care of him when he was a little kid. They loved him very much and helped him become who he is today. We don’t know their names, but they must be very proud of Kene and everything he has done in movies and TV shows.

Just like your mom and dad help you with homework and teach you right from wrong, Kene’s parents did the same for him. They were essential in his life, helping him learn and grow to be a good person.

Kene Holliday Siblings

Kene Holliday grew up with brothers and sisters like some of us. They played together, laughed, and maybe even argued sometimes because that’s what siblings do. We don’t know their names or how many he has, but they were part of his family growing up.

Having siblings means you always have someone to talk to, play games with, and help you when needed. Just like your brothers or sisters are your first friends, Kene’s siblings were probably his first friends. They shared many adventures and fun times as a family, making memories that Kene might still remember and smile about today.

Kene Holliday Wife or Girlfriend

Kene Holliday is a very private person when it comes to his love life. This means he only shares a little about who he is dating or if he is married. Just like some people keep their favourite toys a secret, Kene also keeps his relationships a secret.

It’s important to remember that everyone has things they like to keep to themselves, and that’s okay. We may not know if Kene has a wife or a girlfriend, but we do know he is an outstanding actor who has made many people happy by being on TV. Just like in a storybook, not every detail is told, and that’s part of what makes it interesting.


Kene Holliday might have kids, but we don’t know much about them. Just like some people keep their favourite toys a secret, Kene keeps the information about his children private. That means he only talks about them a little in public. Imagine you have a unique drawing you made and only want to show it to your best friends.

Kene feels the same about his family life. He wants to keep it just for himself and the people he is very close to. So, we respect that and understand everyone has things they want to keep just for themselves and their family.

Kene Holliday on Wikipedia

If you want to learn more about Kene Holliday, you can look him up on a significant Wikipedia page. It’s like a giant online book that tells stories about people, including famous actors like Kene. On his Wikipedia page, you’ll find things like when he was born, the movies and TV shows he’s been in, and other cool stuff about his life.

It’s like being a detective and finding clues about him. But remember, we talked about some things already, like his acting and where he’s from, so on Wikipedia, you might see those things again and learn even more!


Kene Holliday Ethnicity

Kene Holliday’s ethnicity is African-American. This means his family comes from a group of people known as African Americans. People from this group have their roots or family history linked to Africa but live in America. Just like we all have stories about where our families come from, Kene’s family story is part of the African American community.

This is a particular part of who he is. It’s like having a unique history that tells you more about yourself and your family. Everyone has their own story about where they come from, and this is Kene’s.

Legacy and impacts

Kene Holliday is critical in the world of movies and TV. He showed us how to be kind, brave, and intelligent through his roles, like being a lawyer’s helper in Matlock. Kene made a big difference because he was among the first African-American actors to have significant parts on TV shows.

This helped other actors who looked like him feel they could be stars, too. Kene taught us that you can achieve big dreams no matter where you come from. People will remember him for his excellent acting and for opening doors for others. He made the TV world more colourful and showed everyone could be a hero in their own story.


Presence on Social media

Kene Holliday likes to keep his life a bit secret, including what he does on the internet, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. It’s like playing hide and seek but online.

He doesn’t share much about himself on social media or online places where people can talk, share photos, and make friends. Suppose it might be tricky if you’re trying to find pictures of him or see what he likes to do every day. Kene prefers to keep some things just to himself, and that’s okay! Everyone has their way of using the internet and social media.



Kene Holliday has been in many TV shows and movies, which makes him a very busy actor. He played important roles like Tyler Hudson in “Matlock” and Sgt. Curtis Baker in “Carter Country.” These are examples of how he acted as a person who helped others and solved problems.

Kene loves acting and has spent much time learning how to pretend to be different characters. Imagine playing dress-up and make-believe but doing it so well that everyone believes you’re that person! That’s what Kene does best. He has been on other shows, too, showing us many stories and adventures through his acting.

Kene Holliday’s Net Worth

Kene Holliday has made a lot of money from acting in TV shows and movies. When people talk about “net worth,” they mean how much money someone has after paying for things they need. But we can Kene Holliday’s estimated net worth is currently around $1 million.

Kene’s net worth is significant because he has been on many shows and has worked as an actor for a long time. While we don’t know the exact amount, it’s like having a giant piggy bank full of savings from all his jobs. Just imagine saving up your allowance every time you get it; that’s what Kene did, but with the money he made from acting.

Future Plans

Kene Holliday is always thinking about what he wants to do next. He might act in more TV shows or movies because he loves acting. Sometimes, actors like Kene also try new things like directing, where they get to tell everyone in the film what to do to make the story come to life.

Kene might even help write stories for new movies or shows. He has so many stories to share from his long-time acting. Even though we have yet to determine precisely what Kene will do next, it will be exciting because he’s full of surprises and loves making his fans happy.


  • Kene Holliday loves to act, but he also has fun doing other things when he’s not on TV or in movies. 
  • He enjoys drawing pictures, like how you might doodle in your notebook. 
  • Kene likes to listen to music and sometimes even sings along, just like you might do with your favourite songs. 
  • Going for long walks is another thing he loves. It’s like going on an adventure outside.
  • He also reads many books, getting lost in stories about faraway places or exciting mysteries. 
  • Kene plays board games with his friends and family, laughing and having fun together. 
  • Cooking is another hobby. He likes making delicious meals, almost like a chef.


How old is Kene Holliday?

Kene was born in 1949, so you can count from there to find out how old he is now. Remember, the year changes on June 25th, his birthday!

How tall is Kene Holliday?

Kene is tall, like a basketball player! He is 6 feet and 5 inches tall. That’s a lot of inches!

What shows was Kene Holliday in?

He was in “Matlock” playing Tyler Hudson and “Carter Country” as Sgt. Curtis Baker. They’re shown on TV, where they solve problems and help people.

Does Kene Holliday have siblings?

Yes, he grew up with brothers and sisters, but we don’t know their names or how many.

What does Kene Holliday like to do for fun?

Kene loves drawing, listening to music, walking, reading books, playing games, and cooking. He has lots of hobbies!


Through acting, Kene Holliday has shown us that anyone can dream big and make it happen. From his roles on TV, like being Tyler Hudson in “Matlock,” he’s shared many stories that make us think, laugh, and learn. He’s like a teacher, but he uses movies and shows instead of a classroom.

Kene is also a reminder that being kind and working hard is essential. He enjoys simple things like drawing and cooking, showing us that happiness can be found everywhere. Remember, everyone has their own story, just like Kene Holliday, and yours is just as unique and essential. Keep dreaming, learning, and being you!

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